Sorry you sense hate there is none there, I like the guy, just can't figure why he wants to come here, always berates the country, bitches that he can't get in, obviously on the northern border they do a better job.
When I allude to the industry, and work people from the south put in to get here, I'm called a racist. I totally understand there is absolutely no winning against your side, you guys require total surrender. I do not surrender, did once, and that is it. The Christianity game or shaming doesn't work with me, I know what I am and why I am, period.
Don't like to quote scripture here, not the place. If you don't work, you do not eat.... sound very christian to you..... didn't think so, it's there however. I'm a christian for one reason and one only, Jesus took my sins upon himself, hung on the cross for me, and died in my place. God the Father rose Him from the dead on the third day. I trust and believe if I was the only human alive, this all still would have happened. So no, in myself I am not good, could never be to God's standard, therefore God provided a substitute for me. Not me alone, but I did start with "if I was the only human alive."
The silly games don't work with me, I used to play them, I now know the truth. Since you mentioned hate, I can honestly say there is not one human I hate. That's truth, say what you might, it won't change a thing.
And just a final note, Jesus, the Christ, came as the Saviour the first time. You can equate that as Love, and would be correct, he came to redeem his people. When he returns, no love will be shown, it will be judgment. So at this time you are correct, Jesus is love,
You brought up Christianity, and the corresponding "hate" you "felt" from my posts, I didn't go there, but I will not shy from a response.