

Well-Known Member
Better yet, just list the reasons you want to come here. You hate us, don't want to be us. Why not just list the reasons you want to come here. I don't take orders from a communist Canuck so save your breath on the SHUT IT crap. Obviously we do not want you. Go to Cuba, then to Mexico and cross the border. You're too damn lazy to do that. At least the southern border jumpers put some effort into it.
That’s the Christianity we’ve come to expect.
Not passing judgement, just making an observation.


Well-Known Member
That’s the Christianity we’ve come to expect.
Not passing judgement, just making an observation.
Don't see how you took that there, but I guess everyone has an observation. So easy to counter the lazy attempt, but it's not worth my time unless you offer one thing that may be unchristian about the post. I expect the regular liberal gibberish, but if you delve into the scriptures to attack, use them to defend your point. None is forthcoming with these parameters so have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Don't see how you took that there, but I guess everyone has an observation. So easy to counter the lazy attempt, but it's not worth my time unless you offer one thing that may be unchristian about the post. I expect the regular liberal gibberish, but if you delve into the scriptures to attack, use them to defend your point. None is forthcoming with these parameters so have a good day.
I never mentioned scripture, just Christian behavior. Christ is love. There is a sense of hate in your post, that’s not Christ like.


Well-Known Member
I never mentioned scripture, just Christian behavior. Christ is love. There is a sense of hate in your post, that’s not Christ like.
Sorry you sense hate there is none there, I like the guy, just can't figure why he wants to come here, always berates the country, bitches that he can't get in, obviously on the northern border they do a better job.
When I allude to the industry, and work people from the south put in to get here, I'm called a racist. I totally understand there is absolutely no winning against your side, you guys require total surrender. I do not surrender, did once, and that is it. The Christianity game or shaming doesn't work with me, I know what I am and why I am, period.
Don't like to quote scripture here, not the place. If you don't work, you do not eat.... sound very christian to you..... didn't think so, it's there however. I'm a christian for one reason and one only, Jesus took my sins upon himself, hung on the cross for me, and died in my place. God the Father rose Him from the dead on the third day. I trust and believe if I was the only human alive, this all still would have happened. So no, in myself I am not good, could never be to God's standard, therefore God provided a substitute for me. Not me alone, but I did start with "if I was the only human alive."
The silly games don't work with me, I used to play them, I now know the truth. Since you mentioned hate, I can honestly say there is not one human I hate. That's truth, say what you might, it won't change a thing.
And just a final note, Jesus, the Christ, came as the Saviour the first time. You can equate that as Love, and would be correct, he came to redeem his people. When he returns, no love will be shown, it will be judgment. So at this time you are correct, Jesus is love,

You brought up Christianity, and the corresponding "hate" you "felt" from my posts, I didn't go there, but I will not shy from a response.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you sense hate there is none there, I like the guy, just can't figure why he wants to come here, always berates the country, bitches that he can't get in, obviously on the northern border they do a better job.
When I allude to the industry, and work people from the south put in to get here, I'm called a racist. I totally understand there is absolutely no winning against your side, you guys require total surrender. I do not surrender, did once, and that is it. The Christianity game or shaming doesn't work with me, I know what I am and why I am, period.
Don't like to quote scripture here, not the place. If you don't work, you do not eat.... sound very christian to you..... didn't think so, it's there however. I'm a christian for one reason and one only, Jesus took my sins upon himself, hung on the cross for me, and died in my place. God the Father rose Him from the dead on the third day. I trust and believe if I was the only human alive, this all still would have happened. So no, in myself I am not good, could never be to God's standard, therefore God provided a substitute for me. Not me alone, but I did start with "if I was the only human alive."
The silly games don't work with me, I used to play them, I now know the truth. Since you mentioned hate, I can honestly say there is not one human I hate. That's truth, say what you might, it won't change a thing.
And just a final note, Jesus, the Christ, came as the Saviour the first time. You can equate that as Love, and would be correct, he came to redeem his people. When he returns, no love will be shown, it will be judgment. So at this time you are correct, Jesus is love,

You brought up Christianity, and the corresponding "hate" you "felt" from my posts, I didn't go there, but I will not shy from a response.
When I hear you speak of ‘your side’ that sounds very un Christ-like.

There is a lot of ego in you, and long windedness. That won’t get you into the grace of God. I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.

I don’t judge, but I believe what I see. I see a boastful man who has little insight into himself, but is quick to judge others.

I’ll pray for you.



Well-Known Member
When I hear you speak of ‘your side’ that sounds very un Christ-like.
You'll have to agree, politically we are not in agreement, so if I say 'your' side that makes me un Christ-like. I'm sorry that does not compute, Does Christ- like mean I have to agree with you, put myself on the same side as you, I think not. You certainly lost that point

There is a lot of ego in you, and long windedness. That won’t get you into the grace of God. I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.
You are correct, there is a lot of ego in me, comes from testosterone, what makes me a male. Long windedness, I can certainly be shorter but then I will be berated because your side cannot understand a simple point. To save my wind, if you haven't noticed this, I can offer an exhibit in the guns forum today.

I don’t judge, but I believe what I see. I see a boastful man who has little insight into himself, but is quick to judge others.

You don't judge, yet in this post you have judged me Egotistical, long winded, boastful, with little insight, and quick to judge others. Pretty good assessment, besides the little (personal) insight, I can think of no better reason that I need Jesus blood to pay for my wickedness.

I think the last assessment blows away your personal insight point.
Have a good one MS. Sporty
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Well-Known Member
When I hear you speak of ‘your side’ that sounds very un Christ-like.

There is a lot of ego in you, and long windedness. That won’t get you into the grace of God. I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.

I don’t judge, but I believe what I see. I see a boastful man who has little insight into himself, but is quick to judge others.

I’ll pray for you.

When I hear you speak of ‘your side’ that sounds very un Christ-like.

There is a lot of ego in you, and long windedness. That won’t get you into the grace of God. I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.

I don’t judge, but I believe what I see. I see a boastful man who has little insight into himself, but is quick to judge others.

I’ll pray for you.

Rereading your post I noticed two other things I couldn't comprehend, the first being

"That won’t get you into the grace of God."
Grace as I know it is unmerited, it's a gift, it's free, and asks no repayment, it is grace, kinda like what you may have shown to your children, I don't know you, quite possibly you make your children earn everything you bestow upon them. I can't make that judgment, but I do understand Grace. I'm a recipient, an unworthy recipient.

Second thing I noticed is when you concluded your post with Inshallah, an Islamic saying, If god wills it or god willing, this is totally incompatible with

I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.

every informed individual knows the place of a female in Islam. And it isn't allah. Where does your confusion begin?


Well-Known Member
When I hear you speak of ‘your side’ that sounds very un Christ-like.

There is a lot of ego in you, and long windedness. That won’t get you into the grace of God. I asked, she doesn’t care for either, or your crude sexual innuendos.

I don’t judge, but I believe what I see. I see a boastful man who has little insight into himself, but is quick to judge others.

I’ll pray for you.

Referring to God as a woman while using an Islamic term? Try that out loud in Islamic countries. You'll understand the difference between Christian love and Islamic love then.


Well-Known Member
Rereading your post I noticed two other things I couldn't comprehend, the first being

"That won’t get you into the grace of God."
Grace as I know it is unmerited, it's a gift, it's free, and asks no repayment, it is grace, kinda like what you may have shown to your children, I don't know you, quite possibly you make your children earn everything you bestow upon them. I can't make that judgment, but I do understand Grace. I'm a recipient, an unworthy recipient.

Second thing I noticed is when you concluded your post with Inshallah, an Islamic saying, If god wills it or god willing, this is totally incompatible with

every informed individual knows the place of a female in Islam. And it isn't allah. Where does your confusion begin?
Sorry, I replied above before seeing you caught that also. Blasphemy carries a stiff penalty in most Islamist nations. Of course the only reason American liberals use such terms is to get at Christians. Which is why they speaking of love is a contradiction because with them it's about anything but love.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I replied above before seeing you caught that also. Blasphemy carries a stiff penalty in most Islamist nations. Of course the only reason American liberals use such terms is to get at Christians. Which is why they speaking of love is a contradiction because with them it's about anything but love.
Tex, no sorry needed, there will be no substantive response to either post anyway, Unless I say I'd like to give @Sportello the spankin she needs. Katy bar the door then.:thumbup1::2guns:

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
As a Christian I say we just officially declare Mexico a US territory. Then we can help them recreate a mini US system that they can prosper in place instead of living the life of a nomad. If their willing to find their dream here, lets help them do it at home. PS no money needed if the will to do better is there.
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Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
well border patrol in their letter says im not banned.

but im not sure if ill be able to cross, since i made my complaint after my 2nd attempt and it doesnt include what happened on the 3rd attempt.

so im gonna email what happened on my 3rd attempt and see what they say, since i believe ill be going back to work in 5 days i wont be able to stimulate the us economy with my tourist spending.


Well-Known Member
well border patrol in their letter says im not banned.

but im not sure if ill be able to cross, since i made my complaint after my 2nd attempt and it doesnt include what happened on the 3rd attempt.

so im gonna email what happened on my 3rd attempt and see what they say, since i believe ill be going back to work in 5 days i wont be able to stimulate the us economy with my tourist spending.
I'm an American, one of the ones you say doesn't do anything to fight for what I believe in, I think I will take this up, where are you trying to cross the border, Buffalo? I'll give a call and start a petition today. Finally I got off my :censored2: and did something.


Strength through joy
Arizona Supreme Court Denies DACA Students In-State Tuition

Arizona students protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will no longer be eligible for in-state college tuition, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The 7-0 ruling upheld an earlier decision in the Court of Appeals last year that said DACA recipients, often called DREAMers, who have been granted "lawful status" but not "legal status" do not qualify to pay resident rates.

Monday's decision will affect more than 2,000 students enrolled in Arizona's community colleges and three public universities.

The fee changes will take effect immediately and in some cases more than triple the annual cost of attendance. The Associated Press estimated community college students who currently pay $2,580 a year will now pay $8,900. Four-year universities will charge DACA students who graduated from a state high school 150 percent of in-state tuition. That will increase annual costs from about $10,000 to $15,000. Those who do not meet the requirement could pay up to $27,618, according to AZ Central.

Arizona DACA students are also ineligible for federal or state financial aid.


golden ticket member
well border patrol in their letter says im not banned.

but im not sure if ill be able to cross, since i made my complaint after my 2nd attempt and it doesnt include what happened on the 3rd attempt.

so im gonna email what happened on my 3rd attempt and see what they say, since i believe ill be going back to work in 5 days i wont be able to stimulate the us economy with my tourist spending.
Stay put and avoid the hassle!!


If it’s brown, it’s going down
So many complain about the ramifications of having people here illegally but at the same time, look around.

How many of us personally hire them because of their incredibly low rates to landscape, put on that new roof, paint our homes, install our carpets, clean the house?

That's all I see in my neighborhood alone. I've asked my neighbors about this and I learn that their workers don't speak English and get paid in cash.

Sounds like we ourselves are helping to feed this need.
Call it what you want a duck is a duck, as is a illegal alien is illegal. I love when people argue the rhetoric that this country made this problem. Yeah we should have had the army out on the boarder with M-16s years ago. For the whole cash in hand deal, not paying taxes towards the country that they illegally came into and use government programs to there advantage. So my thought is who is benefiting more Mexico or the US in the illegal immigration deal? Mexico is you want to know why, criminals are one of the highest deported and repeat offenders for coming in this country as illegal immigration. Do you see Mexico lifting a finger to help resolve this issue? NO. Do you see Mexico handing out government programs that help illegal aliens out? NO, And who is left with the mess of cleaning up after illegal immigrants? American taxpayers. Start paying taxes and learn the language and be productive members of are society then we can consider you American citizen. Hey I have an idea, send all illegal immigrants to the military for 2 year service to earn there citizenship. If you want to be here so bad then do what real Americans do and serve your country that you so badly what to be in whether it's legal or illegal means to do it.