

Strength through joy
Today both Pelosi and OAC stated that ICE will be coming for illegals as they go to Church. Sounds like they are ONLY coming for Christians.


Well-Known Member
To give the appearance of being tough without doing much to disrupt the economy. It’s easy to abuse children but massive raids would have real repercussions to American business.

I was gonna say the same thing.

It’s all posturing to look like he’s tough...

Story of Trump’s life.


Strength through joy
I see it as just another tactic to scare the pants off the dems.
He has them running around in a panic mode.
Along with the msm media.
2,000 criminals to be picked up in over 10 cities, that's like 200 or less per city.
Sound like a normal night of arrests in a city.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

ICE is everywhere


nowhere special
I saw a clip on that ... he is probably the only person in that room that actually cares about the illegal aliens and the Border Patrol government workers. Definitely the only person who was telling the truth!
Yet one of the Dems there tried to call him a liar because he wasn't saying what they wanted to hear.