Inordinately Right
Poor people are the problem.Yep immigrants are the problem.
Poor people are the problem.Yep immigrants are the problem.
Too bad Drumpf couldn't fix that.Poor people are the problem.
Thanks Obama.Too bad Drumpf couldn't fix that.
Just because a cracker went GTA on people doesn’t mean we need ILLEGAL immigrants in this country.
Maybe, but that useless degree and college debt didn’t help you fren.You’re mixing metaphors, HS might have helped.
fixed it for youThanks Bush..
Yawn.fixed it for you
Maybe, but that useless degree and college debt didn’t help you fren.
No need to pray for me. I've survived them all. Pray for Murica.Yawn.
It's sad you think there's a difference between Republicans and Democrats. I'll pray for you son.
Probably not. Heathens are a lost cause.No need to pray for me.
I’ve read your stuff. You are confusing indoctrinated with educated, hope this helps.No debt, and I’m educated.
Maybe, but that useless degree and college debt didn’t help you fren.
I’ve read your stuff. You are confusing indoctrinated with educated, hope this helps.
My favorite part of that is you name off a bunch of non-sense classes and then call yourself well educated.Some of my favorite classes were:
Gaelic (can’t remember anything)
Comparative Religious Studies (remember a lot)
Physics (lots of math, didn’t care).
Acoustics (lots of math, cared)
Vocal training (I was shy, the cute girl said I sounded like Tom Petty)
Music Theory (cared)
Music History (200 BC - 2006) (interesting, but ultimately indifferent)
So, I’m a well educated truck driver.
Fren, I am a very stable genius. I was smart I knew what I needed to learn and what I didn’t need to learn. I was constantly questioning my teachers and why they even collected a paycheck teaching me Snapple fun facts.I’ve read your stuff, you’re confusing ignorance with knowledge.
Just because you think you’re correct, that doesn’t mean you’re correct.
Open a book, reading is fundamental!
Like geography, why do Americans need to be taught geography? We are already in the best nation on earth, I don’t need to know where Istanbul is.
Because most Muricans believe the earth is flat.Like geography, why do Americans need to be taught geography? We are already in the best nation on earth, I don’t need to know where Istanbul is.