

Inordinately Right

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You're not going to do the white guy's they all look alike to me shtick are you?
Not me but Black people have the same problem.
I get mixed up with other guys with white hair all the time.
My best friend is 6' 8" and I'm 6' and a Black cop asked us if we were brothers the other day.
It was in my friend's restaurant where I donate a $100 a month for their food.
Each first responder gets 1 free meal a week.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What is this place, Persia, you talk about?????
Persia, historic region of southwestern Asia associated with the area that is now modern Iran. ... The people of that region have traditionally called their country Iran, “Land of the Aryans.” That name was officially adopted in 1935.

El Correcto

god is dead
That woman is just extremely unpleasant to look at. We should have decency laws that force her to wear a burka if she is going to be on TV.

I would of been more horrified if she replaced the pig in the first episode of black mirror.
The prime minister probably would of just killed himself instead of going through with it.