

Inordinately Right
Will be interesting to see how Biden handles the caravans of people coming up in the middle of a pandemic at its peak. He basically ran on controlling Covid but is also expected to open the boarders. Anyone else see the conflict here? Taking away Americans freedoms in the name of China Virus while also shipping in new cases? Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
Anything to get more Democrat voters.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
It’s right wing propaganda greatest hits time again! Scary caravans of brown people! Be afraid!

Here's that propaganda from right wing CNN & NYT!


Well-Known Member
Isn't it interesting how when you read that statement from Theodore Roosevelt how similar it is to President Trump's immigration policies . It's just put more elegantly !!! And how radically different

Democrats are to the history and founders of this country . The idea of opening a border and allowing people to come in without documentation , social security numbers ID , can't speak the language and allowing them to drive a car and do whatever the heck they want and nobody knows who they are is quite frankly frightening not to mention totally unfair to people who did at the right way . And they're not even going to be checked out medically we don't know what kind of diseases anybody might be bringing in here . A woman that we know was walking home and was run over and killed by a undocumented man who was drunk and never stopped just drove on And by dumb luck the police caught the man !!!
And numerous times a sanctuary city has refused to hand over an illegal immigrant to ICE in spite of criminal charges. They instead release the illegal into the population where often they commit more crime including rape and murder. I personally think if people make it here and are working that we shouldn't send them back as long as they are law abiding. We should at this point have that wall though to slow the tide way down. But protecting criminals, which has often harmed our own citizens horribly, is beyond understanding. Unless they commit murder or rape I don't even want them incarcerated. Put them on the other side of a solid wall and let Mexico or wherever they came from deal with them. We should take every illegal in prison now except for murderers and rapists and boot them out of the country.


Well-Known Member
girl buddy is seeing might get deported her student visa got :censored2:ed.

another dude has a wife and kid in nairobi for 2 years now that he cant get into canada yet.

i was a victim of poor intelligence gathering from US border patrol along with many other canadians which started under trump.

oh and my other buddy has his canadian wife here and the process was taking forever so he moved back to canada im not sure for how long.

we are rich countries (america the richest) but we got tricked into thinking were poor by the rich so they could have it all. we screwed ourselves into a prison with our low expectations again courtesy of the rich.


nowhere special