

Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“The slim Democratic majority in Congress is pushing forward with an ambitious plan to legalize an estimated 8 million immigrants living in the U.S. without legal status through a budget bill that would circumvent the 60-vote threshold typically needed to pass major legislation in the Senate.”

Democratic staff met with the Senate parliamentarian on Friday to try to convince her that the massive legalization program can be enacted through the budget reconciliation process, a procedure that allows spending bills to pass the Senate with a simple majority, congressional officials told CBS News. Republican staff were expected to argue against the proposal.

It's the Senate parliamentarian who rules on whether an element of legislation can be allowed in a budget bill. The parliamentarian has to determine whether the provision has a direct budgetary impact.”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Durrrrrrrrr, ya don't say! LOL

"New guidance from the Senate parliamentarian makes it unlikely Senate Democrats will be able to include immigration in their $3.5 trillion bill to expand the country's social safety net.

In her ruling, parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough wrote, "Changing the law to clear the way to LPR status is tremendous and enduring policy change that dwarfs its budgetary impact."

The decision comes as a resounding rebuke to Democrats, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation. With it, it's unlikely immigration will be included in the bill.


Inordinately Right
Durrrrrrrrr, ya don't say! LOL

"New guidance from the Senate parliamentarian makes it unlikely Senate Democrats will be able to include immigration in their $3.5 trillion bill to expand the country's social safety net.

In her ruling, parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough wrote, "Changing the law to clear the way to LPR status is tremendous and enduring policy change that dwarfs its budgetary impact."

The decision comes as a resounding rebuke to Democrats, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation. With it, it's unlikely immigration will be included in the bill.
Great news, but...

They've already moved on to wet dreams about minting a trillion dollar coin to circumvent debt ceilings.

The radicals have seized the Democrat party and our checks on federal power are being tested on a regular basis now.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It is the job of the Federal government to protect our borders. He was probably waiting for them to do something, anything and finally gave up the wait.
No, people are getting disgusting with his half assed measures.Close the ports of entry to Mexico! See how fast they stop the illegals! Texas is their biggest trading partner.