

Well-Known Member
i know you have fully educated yourself on this issue and now fully understand it :)

by posting this are you saying immigrant rapists and murderers who will be deported are driving Nebraska's economy?
It was a simple economic observation. That whole rapist scenario reminds me of a past psyop scare tactic I studied in class involving a movie called……….( Birth of a Nation ).


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It was a simple economic observation. That whole rapist scenario reminds me of a past psyop scare tactic I studied in class involving a movie called……….( Birth of a Nation ).


Well-Known Member
It was a simple economic observation. That whole rapist scenario reminds me of a past psyop scare tactic I studied in class involving a movie called……….( Birth of a Nation ).
That's an interesting take. The illegal immigrants who've raped and murdered would be surprised to know that they're playing right into the hands of government operatives who are trying to scare the public into supporting the deportation of said rapists and murderers.


Well-Known Member
It was a simple economic observation. That whole rapist scenario reminds me of a past psyop scare tactic I studied in class involving a movie called……….( Birth of a Nation ).
you realize there were a lot of illegals raping young girls that kind of drove that narrative? you have any daughters?


Strength through joy
ICE had a raid planned but someone in Chicago leaked it.
So it was canceled.
Best to find who leaked it now and crucify them to set an example.