Impeachment Buyer's Remorse


Engorged Member
Remember, this is not about impeachment ... this is about damaging Trump's image for the 2020 election.

True, because no Republicans will vote to remove the scumbag Trump from office, no matter what he does. Spineless jellyfish with a moral compass that is apparently completely broken. You know, like you. Excuse-makers and spin doctors who lie 24/7.

Damaging Trump is about all they can do unless they catch him cashing a check from Putin. Nah, they'd excuse him for that too.


Engorged Member
It's interesting listening to all of these intelligent people on both sides at these hearings while diaper boy is tweeting inarticulate tantrums in the background.

I'm totally responsible for all that's good and nothing that's bad. How about our great veterans. Gee, I love golf. Obama is a Muslim and created ISIS. Crooked Hillary has crabs! How about those Nats? I personally killed Bag-Boy with a Rambo knife signed by OJ Simpson.

Putin has a tight...umm. I think Obama is a Muslim and created ISIS. I just want to hug this flag. Umm, err. How about those KFC wings! Are they great or what? I'm so healthy, and a GENIUS who is the smartest person ever.

MAGA!! And buy my cheap made in Ghina crap merchandise!!


Inordinately Right
I'm totally responsible for all that's good and nothing that's bad. How about our great veterans. Gee, I love golf. Obama is a Muslim and created ISIS. Crooked Hillary has crabs! How about those Nats? I personally killed Bag-Boy with a Rambo knife signed by OJ Simpson.

Putin has a tight...umm. I think Obama is a Muslim and created ISIS. I just want to hug this flag. Umm, err. How about those KFC wings! Are they great or what? I'm so healthy, and a GENIUS who is the smartest person ever.

MAGA!! And buy my cheap made in Ghina crap merchandise!!
I've never supported red flag laws, but you might be able to change my mind about them if you keep it up with this mental breakdown.

You need to speak to your shrink and have your medication adjusted fren.


Well-Known Member
Who cares I look out for number one fren.

You are acting more like #2.