In times like these...


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lol Trump has literally said there will be nothing left if he doesn't get elected. Not to mention they are eating the dogs. Maga has a problem with honesty. It has nothing to do with politics, it's more of a personality trait.
Lap up that kool aid. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Please keep believing the lies of the left and you’ll get more of this.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
America is a red country with some blue cities sprinkled in. Trump won the popular vote, the electoral college, 31 states, the vast majority of counties in America, republicans flipped the senate, kept the house, won more governorships, and Trump increased his vote count in all 50 states from the last election. He also won all 7 battleground states. It was an azzz kicking blowout. Prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member

Nope. The ones that were fooled were the ones that voted for him. I'm including Latinos and Blacks that voted for him. All ignorant fools
Do you really look in the mirror and think you’re smart? That’s really great self-esteem. Because you’re like the only one who thinks that lol


Well-Known Member
Lap up that kool aid. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Please keep believing the lies of the left and you’ll get more of this. View attachment 502739
Lol so you are saying Trump and maga is the Kool aid and you all drank it.
I really don't see left or right when I look at things. Im not color blind like yourself. Trump would never lie to you right? That's kind of a cool pic though. What do you just have like a thousand of these ready to go?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Don’t you people get it? When Trump gets done with the USA there will be no immigrants, LGBTQ, trans, liberals, brown people, yellow people, mixed people and the only blacks will be a few slaves for whites. The USA is going to have no workers! The USA will go into such a deep recession that the few dollars we have will be worthless. Anyone that is not loyal to him will be jailed or executed! He is going to start WW3 and the few whites and their slaves will be vaporized when they are nuked! How could you be so blind and have voted for this Nazi, MISOGYNIST, Racist, rapist and 34 time felon? We are all going to Die and you don’t even care! I can’t take it anymore! Off to the basement to suck my thumb I go. You will all see soon what you voted for! Dam you! Dam you!

Channeling my inner Lib.