i am only posting this because myself and my center needs help. we feel as if our steward is incompetent and does not stand up for us. no one wants to be s steward because we are all intimidated by our management team. is there a way to file a grievance against the steward and or the union. sometimes he wont file our grievances or will talk us out of filing a grievance.
we need help, comments, or suggestions.
The "fact" that someone posts on BC gives you an indication they have what it takes to be a steward. Really? Your bar is set a little too low for me.
Your PS is more indicative of the situation than "alleged inadequacies" in my experience.
1) The OP shows an interest in making his workplace a "better place to work".
2) The OP is asking for guidance....
3) The OP wants to bypass an allegedly "incompetent" steward.
4) The OP has NEVER called anyone names in any of his posts. He is not a "cheerleader" and presents himself as an interested well meaning person.
Yes.....IMHO....this person has the initial qualities that I believe make a good Steward. Learning the contract language would be a logical next step for this individual.
My "bar" is set beyond what you may understand Inthegame. The fact that you run to protect the honor of this Steward is an "assumption" that I would not want to make without knowing something of his character. The FACT is...... there are BAD union stewards. We have them in our building and they exist everywhere. Union stewards just like all people come in all shapes, sizes, and "mentalities". Protecting the "honor" of the Union is something you seem to be especially interested in. My belief is that in order to make ourselves better people or organizations.....we must be able to accept constructive criticism and not be so up the "dark alley" of our "ally" that we can no longer see the light. Besides....the odor in those "dark alleys" can be unbearable at times.
I've witnessed union stewards on BC all over the place on issues. Name calling and then apologizing for the name calling. Leaving.....BC...only to return again in a new form.