Indiana-Is a great place to be a bigot....


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Man, are you slow on the draw. It doesn't matter what religion you are. You cannot refuse to serve someone who is gay based on your religious beliefs. If Mohammed the Muslim baker doesn't want to sell to gays, he gets nailed too.
Why not?

Freedom of religion is a constitutional right.

Buying cake is not.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Are you trying to make a point?

Dumbocrats are supposed to fall in line with obama, so it's nice to see that even people on his side aren't so blind and stupid.

Carson's statement was right on. If they didn't "choose" to be gay in prison, you wouldn't have to worry about dropping the soap in the shower. Deciding to bang dudes in prison since you can't be with women is 100% a choice.

Heres a question for you...

Why, if BEN CARSON was RIGHT in YOUR mind, did he RETRACT his entire statement on gays and prison?

Second question....

Why, if BEN CARSON RETRACTED his entire statement on gays and prisons and apologized for being such a royal :censored2:bag on the subject, DO YOU still repeat his original claim??

That makes no sense.

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Strength through joy
Why is this law fault on Pense ?
Did he propose it to the law makers of Ind .?
Or was he railroaded like Romney on Healthcare . The Mass. House was & still is a D controlled building . Even if Romney had refused to sign it , he would have been over ruled .
Check out the photo of him signing it , all the smiling D's behind him are either dead or in prison .


Inordinately Right
Why is this law fault on Pense ?
Did he propose it to the law makers of Ind .?
Or was he railroaded like Romney on Healthcare . The Mass. House was & still is a D controlled building . Even if Romney had refused to sign it , he would have been over ruled .
Check out the photo of him signing it , all the smiling D's behind him are either dead or in prison .
Does this sound like someone being railroaded:
"The legislation, SB 101, is about respecting and reassuring Hoosiers that their religious freedoms are intact," he said. "I strongly support the legislation and applaud the members of the General Assembly for their work on this important issue. I look forward to signing the bill when it reaches my desk."
-Gov. Mike Pence


Well-Known Troll
Heres a question for you...

Why, if BEN CARSON was RIGHT in YOUR mind, did he RETRACT his entire statement on gays and prison?

Second question....

Why, if BEN CARSON RETRACTED his entire statement on gays and prisons and apologized for being such a royal :censored2:bag on the subject, DO YOU still repeat his original claim??

That makes no sense.


He said "I apologize for being a royal :censored2:bag"? I doubt that. Like 98% of what comes out of your mouth, it's bs.

Why retract his statement? I don't know. I'm not Ben Carson, nor someone on his staff, but I hate when people make a statement and then back off due to people's response. If you said something because you believe in it, don't back down from it. I'm tired of politicians and celebritards doing that. Screw the backlash, support your point and move on.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I agree, but I'm not sure what the need to bring their religious beliefs into is. Either they have the right to refuse service to anyone they want or not. Their religion should not be a part of it at all, the reason for denying service isn't of consequence to me.
The only reason religion was brought into it was because they were asked to cater a wedding? A wedding that involved marrying two people of the same sex. For some that goes against their religion. I know if it were me and and I was gay, which I certainly am not, and I walked into a catering businesses and asked them to help out with my wedding I wouldn't be offended if they said no for religious reasons. I would have to respect that. Especially if I knew they'd serve me otherwise. I'd go find another business that would help instead of sicking the wrath of the liberal world on them and potentially destroying their businesses and possibly their lives just because my feelings were hurt because someone actually had the guts to stand up for their religious beliefs. Honestly.....I'd probably search for an Atheist caterer in that situation. They are less likely to have a problem with catering a gay wedding. Or do they not believe in marriage either? LOL!