After reading all the liberal trash being spouted here I decided to look at this in detail. I signed up to see the
movie, because the trailer is too short. And so what if the quotes are out of context? Its just a freakin trailer!
One guy has a computer with FIRE on the screen, and its Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. It is a bunch
of college professors complaining. MOST OF THEM ADMINT TO BEING IN THE ACLU! They all seem to be from places that
liberals like. Massacusetts and California and New York City. A bunch of lawyers too! One wrote a paper asking if
Rudy Guliani's cleanup of New York City was againts the constitution! LOOK AT THE RESULTS BEFORE YOU ASK THAT
They dont bother to hide some of there afilliations. They are proud to list on the web site
California State Board of Education !
Mont Pelerin Society I had to look this up to find out it calls itself "A classical liberal society"
ACLU we already know
Village Voice (a liberal New York newspaper)
the Gallatin School of Individualized Study this is some hippy school where you make up your own classes
There big mistake was to leave FIRE on the screen that one time. Even the logo is the same! With the fire coming out
of the I. That one mistake made me find out this movie is part of the LIBERALS HATE AMERICA PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
movie, because the trailer is too short. And so what if the quotes are out of context? Its just a freakin trailer!
One guy has a computer with FIRE on the screen, and its Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. It is a bunch
of college professors complaining. MOST OF THEM ADMINT TO BEING IN THE ACLU! They all seem to be from places that
liberals like. Massacusetts and California and New York City. A bunch of lawyers too! One wrote a paper asking if
Rudy Guliani's cleanup of New York City was againts the constitution! LOOK AT THE RESULTS BEFORE YOU ASK THAT
They dont bother to hide some of there afilliations. They are proud to list on the web site
California State Board of Education !
Mont Pelerin Society I had to look this up to find out it calls itself "A classical liberal society"
ACLU we already know
Village Voice (a liberal New York newspaper)
the Gallatin School of Individualized Study this is some hippy school where you make up your own classes
There big mistake was to leave FIRE on the screen that one time. Even the logo is the same! With the fire coming out
of the I. That one mistake made me find out this movie is part of the LIBERALS HATE AMERICA PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!