Influenza And Mask Science


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Impressive Reply! LOL


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
thats because the normal flu season kills 6 to 10x less americans every year. and if u finish the year with 300,000 dead americans, then those numbers are even higher.
6 to 10x is way off. We are also labeling the dead as all covid deaths. Many of these were extremely sick with other issues.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
u dont think 200,000 americans died because of covid?

which country has accurate numbers?
Our hospitals here get more money if the death is labled a covid so you have motorcycle accidents listed as covid, etc.

CDC said 94 percent of covid death involved other conditions!

Over 100k die normally from other flu's every year.


Well-Known Member
Our hospitals here get more money if the death is labled a covid so you have motorcycle accidents listed as covid, etc.

CDC said 94 percent of covid death involved other conditions!

Over 100k die normally from other flu's every year.
no i think america typically has 10 to 60k dead from flu yearly.

which countries have accurate covid deaths and cases? just name one.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
6 to 10x is way off. We are also labeling the dead as all covid deaths. Many of these were extremely sick with other issues ...
... and still are and will continue as long as hospitals get money for every COVID case they get into bed and even more money if they in-tube them.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I don't succumb to doing politics on Facebook ... I use it to keep up with family and friends.
I have all political posts blocked so I never see them although I do go to the Libertarian Party page and check out their daily cartoons.
I have a few friends and a sister on there who are super liberal (Including the girl who unfriended me today) and are constantly posting political stuff. I just ignore it and scroll by. The way I look at it is, they have a right to their opinion whether I agree with it or not.