Insurance?? Free??


Senior Member
Move out and make it on your own.
You will be better for it.
You have a job and insurance, why are you still hanging on to Momma's skirt?


Move out and make it on your own.
You will be better for it.
You have a job and insurance, why are you still hanging on to Momma's skirt?

lol calm down father time, kids these days arent as tough as they use to be they didnt have to trudge through the snow 12miles uphill in your grandpas wwII combat boots, they walked the 20 feet to their car in there 300 dollar pair of nikes (both of which mom paid for) lol


Well-Known Member
it is free, they dont take money out of your check there fore its free

copied from my stub off upsers -


that is a $54.53 deduction from my monthly check for Flex benefits, the management benefits plan. That is inexpensive, IMO, but certainly not free...

As to earlier suggestions that we offer two tiered pay plans for hub employees, would have loved that when I worked in the hub, but I am afraid that system would not work well in practice. If people were offered the choice to opt in or out of a health insurance plan, likely the young, healthy college age kids (the ones young enough to still feel invulnerable) would opt out. You would wind up with an insurance system more heavily weighted toward sick people. Health insurance can only work if you have a mix of sick and healthy people. The healthy folks premiums pay more in than they use, the sick people get paid out more in benefits than their premiums cover. Think of car insurance, how long would a car insurance company last if all of most of the people they covered got into accidents every year?


Well-Known Member
well when you sign up for direct deposit you have the option for PAPERLESS (you wouldnt recieve one, just get the one off of upsers), i think its actually the default choosing

I have been paperless for about 2 years and have been checking my pay online Thursday mornings for at least this long. The only time that I would really think that we would need a paper statement would be the last check of the year for tax purposes.


Active Member
Move out and make it on your own.
You will be better for it.
You have a job and insurance, why are you still hanging on to Momma's skirt?

Wish I could but can't. Don't make enough money either working at UPS or Target. Plus I gotta go finish up my last 2 years of college and better myself right?? LOL!!! Funny though. Thanks for all the help guys I'll check it out right now. Much appreciated.


Why does it seem like more and more these threads are turning into a chance to shoot down my generation? Granted a lot of times I am not proud of the things my generation does, but none the less. I try my best to make a good example for them. But i guess its not working.
lol calm down father time, kids these days arent as tough as they use to be they didnt have to trudge through the snow 12miles uphill in your grandpas wwII combat boots, they walked the 20 feet to their car in there 300 dollar pair of nikes (both of which mom paid for) lol

If my memory is working right, you quit this forum, and you're also one of us, "kids these days". No older than 22 huh?

Sat, you are so mean. This is the new generation, the generation of entitlement. Things have to be handed to them, not earned.

Same thing was said about your generation, and I'll say the same thing about the generation below me.


Active Member
At the ripe old age of 49, I don't consider myself an old-timer yet, but I have to say I'm sure glad I'm not 22. With the economy as screwed up as it is, gas headed for $5 per gallon, and home prices starting at $300K (here around Chicago), I couldn't imagine trying to get started in life making the starvation wages that a lot of these "kids" have to deal with. Around here, if you are making less than $50k, you are at the poverty level. Luckily, I make a lot more than that, but I've been working since I was 16. If I was starting out today at $8-10 an hour like a lot of these jobs pay, I'd be screwed.


Active Member
Sat, you are so mean. This is the new generation, the generation of entitlement. Things have to be handed to them, not earned.

If you count getting handed a place to live and food to eat then yes. But I pay for my school, bills, etc, all by myself. I'm not getting everything handed to me like some people do. Saying that I am part of the generation of "entitlement" is completely wrong. Makes me sick to think about it. :sick:


Well-Known Member
If you count getting handed a place to live and food to eat then yes. But I pay for my school, bills, etc, all by myself. I'm not getting everything handed to me like some people do. Saying that I am part of the generation of "entitlement" is completely wrong. Makes me sick to think about it. :sick:

I was hoping to get that response--shows me you can take care of yourself. You will need this whether you stay here or wherever your future takes you. Don't take crap from anyone and take care of your business.

Best of luck to you in all that you do.



that is a $54.53 deduction from my monthly check for Flex benefits, the management benefits plan. That is inexpensive, IMO, but certainly not free...

BrownIEman- is that for non union plan? I have been digging in this site for someone to say something about non union benefit plan options. I have just recently interviewed w/UPSF and they just told me to check the web site...web site really only states union empl benefits. My husband is a package driver so I know what those benefits are.


New Member
I just got a letter in the mail notifying me that I was enrolled in BFTAX Flex. I've had Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois since 2006, when I started. Why would I be in BFTAX? I'm still an hourly employee.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
UPS insurance is most certainly better than your parents' insurance.

Also, people love to rag on our generation. A lot of you people started at UPS back when 8.50 was a decent wage!

Unless you're lucky, very skilled in a particular area, or have two incomes, making it on one's own isn't as easy as it used to be. But feel free, blame the victim, we just feel so entitled after all.

A lot of good, blue collar, union jobs have disappeared over the last 20 years. The opportunities to go out and make a decent living when done with high school (or in many cases, even college!) just are not what they once were.

Granted, for the most part I am making it on my own, it's a struggle but I do it. Working at UPS, going to school, and dealing with type 1 diabetes certainly isn't easy, but I do it. My parents are kind enough to help me out when I face an unexpected major expense. I am also skilled at the game of blackjack, and without my winnings quite frankly I wouldn't be able to make it on my own at present.

Even when I am done with school later next year, I am not optimistic.

That said, I await more republican replies blaming the victim.

Dis-organized Labor


that is a $54.53 deduction from my monthly check for Flex benefits, the management benefits plan. That is inexpensive, IMO, but certainly not free...

BrownIEman- is that for non union plan? I have been digging in this site for someone to say something about non union benefit plan options. I have just recently interviewed w/UPSF and they just told me to check the web site...web site really only states union empl benefits. My husband is a package driver so I know what those benefits are.

What a deal. I pay over $300 per paycheck for BFTAX FLEX and about $200 for AFTAX FLEX.
That $500 with the $15. co-pays will look like a deal compared to 2010 and whatever Barry's doing!