

Well-Known Member
I believe Ron Paul made a good point when CNN's Piers Morgan asked about attacking Iran, he told him let the British kids go there and die, why send American kids?! The look on Morgan's face was priceless.

Let those Israelis go and die, why should America send her kids?

ALL You Israeli-firsters should go live in Israhell if you support illegal wars, occupation, terrorism, apartheid, torture, genocide, zionism, nazism,...etc STOP putting the lives of our YOUNG men and women at risk for your holy crusades. You are a *
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Well-Known Member
LOL coming from a guy who posts anti-muslim text all day long.. step outside of your little hell hole maybe you will see some sunlight.

"A guy" is actually a blue haired grandmother who's afraid of shadows. If it ain't white, christian and republican, it ain't right and can't stay here.


golden ticket member
I don't puposely go looking for Muslim news, but you tend to make the world headlines when you behead people for some activities that only make a movie interesting in theft, adultry. etc

I post news stories........they are for discussion and opinion. If you don't like what is said, start your own thread....If you don't think something is balanced, then who's fault is that?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Can we get over the "ISRAEL WILL GO IT ALONE" junk? Please!

How many times do people have to be told that ISRAEL cannot fly over enemy airspace, and they lack the capacity to fly as far as IRAN or to refuel over enemy territory, unless saudi arabia allows them to use thier airspace, and THAT JUST AINT HAPPENING.

Despite these simple facts, FOX NEWS , the NEO CONS and the right wing nuts continue to repeat the idea that ISRAEL will do it alone. The weekly standard, a neo con rag with Bill Kristol at the helm, continue to push for another war, as if they didnt already get what they wanted in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.

The war monger, BILL KRISTOL will say anything to the drones that listen to him in order to get another war going. He profits, his friends profit and the companies he's invested in ALL PROFIT. The only losers in the game are the countless men and women who will sacrifice their lives for these idiots under the auspices of peace.

Give us a break with the weekly standard.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
Can we get over the "ISRAEL WILL GO IT ALONE" junk? Please!

How many times do people have to be told that ISRAEL cannot fly over enemy airspace, and they lack the capacity to fly as far as IRAN or to refuel over enemy territory, unless saudi arabia allows them to use thier airspace, and THAT JUST AINT HAPPENING.

There is an old Chinese saying...."the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Saudi Arabia hates and fears Iran as much if not more than the Israelis do. While I agree with you that the Saudis wouldnt "allow" Israel to violate their airspace to attack Iran, I wouldnt be at all surpised if they sort of "looked the other way" while the attack was happening either.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
LETS deal with the facts at HAND... NOT ONE COUNTRY in the MIDDLE EAST has said they will allow Israel to fly over their airspace and that includes IRAQ and TURKEY. Unless Israel is planning on leaving the atmosphere and re entering over IRAN, they are SOL.

If they attempt to violate the airspace of any other country, they will be shot down or attacked themselves by those countries whos airspace they violate.

Israel has about as much big talk as Iran does. TWO blabbermouths with ZERO behind it.




Well-Known Member
