

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid, Glen, the boy next door, once played a nasty trick on my brother, Paul. Glen held his cat in his arms, brought it within a few inches of Paul’s face, and pulled its tail. The suddenly angry cat bit Paul’s face. My brother and I were upset; we both thought the cat, if it bit anyone, should have bitten the perpetrator.
When governments impose economic sanctions on people in other countries, they too are pulling the cat’s tail. Glen’s intent was to get his cat to bite my brother. His plan worked. The intent of a government that imposes sanctions is to get the people in the target country to “bite” their government. That typically does not work. Why? People are smarter than cats.

The Case Against Sanctions on Iran


Well-Known Member

Boohoooo... cry me a river. I don't give a damn about Israelis, I live here in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Iran's constitution since 1906' (then known as Persia) requires a sitting jew in it's parliament to represent the Iranian jewish community. Yeah, the parliament of the same nation we're told wants to wipe out all jews on the planet. The seat was held by Maurice Motamed for 8 years but now is held by Dr. Ciamak Moresadegh. Seems odd that a nation out to eliminate the jews from all existence would allow practicing jews to sit in it's highest legislative body?

As I said, once you think, you then ask questions and actual the truth rips down the "veil" of illusions!


Well-Known Member
Iran's constitution since 1906' (then known as Persia) requires a sitting jew in it's parliament to represent the Iranian jewish community. Yeah, the parliament of the same nation we're told wants to wipe out all jews on the planet. The seat was held by Maurice Motamed for 8 years but now is held by Dr. Ciamak Moresadegh. Seems odd that a nation out to eliminate the jews from all existence would allow practicing jews to sit in it's highest legislative body?

As I said, once you think, you then ask questions and actual the truth rips down the "veil" of illusions!



Staff member
Iran's constitution since 1906' (then known as Persia) requires a sitting jew in it's parliament to represent the Iranian jewish community. Yeah, the parliament of the same nation we're told wants to wipe out all jews on the planet. The seat was held by Maurice Motamed for 8 years but now is held by Dr. Ciamak Moresadegh. Seems odd that a nation out to eliminate the jews from all existence would allow practicing jews to sit in it's highest legislative body?

As I said, once you think, you then ask questions and actual the truth rips down the "veil" of illusions!
Well, they just happen to be two of the "good ones".


Well-Known Member
Yep, the whole Middle East is planned. It's the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo (I swear I did not make that up either) verses the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows!

The winner gets to be the new Protocols of Zion top goyim boy!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So here is a philosophical question;

What should the United States do if Israel informs us that they are about to launch an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, and that they are going to use low-yeild tactical nukes of their own in order to completely destroy the hardened underground targets in one strike?

That is the real nightmare scenario for me. I personally do not believe that Iran is enough of a direct threat to us to justify a pre-emptive attack. However, I do believe that a nucear-armed Iran is enough of a threat to Isreal to justify an Isreali pre-emptive attack. The problem is....Israel cannot deal a decisive blow to Irans facilities using conventional weapons only. They are only going to be able to get away with one or maybe two strikes at the most before political pressure forces the Saudis to take active measures against Israeli violations of their airspace. The United States, on the other hand, is capable of destroying the Iranian nuclear facilities using conventional weapons only, and we wont have to violate the airspace of other nations to do so.

The scenario that scares me is the one where our choices are (a) launch the attack ourselves or (b) do nothing and sit by while the Israelis go in there and use nuclear weapons to do the job. Which choice is the lesser evil?


Well-Known Member
So here is a philosophical question;

What should the United States do if Israel informs us that they are about to launch an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, and that they are going to use low-yeild tactical nukes of their own in order to completely destroy the hardened underground targets in one strike?

That is the real nightmare scenario for me. I personally do not believe that Iran is enough of a direct threat to us to justify a pre-emptive attack. However, I do believe that a nucear-armed Iran is enough of a threat to Isreal to justify an Isreali pre-emptive attack. The problem is....Israel cannot deal a decisive blow to Irans facilities using conventional weapons only. They are only going to be able to get away with one or maybe two strikes at the most before political pressure forces the Saudis to take active measures against Israeli violations of their airspace. The United States, on the other hand, is capable of destroying the Iranian nuclear facilities using conventional weapons only, and we wont have to violate the airspace of other nations to do so.

The scenario that scares me is the one where our choices are (a) launch the attack ourselves or (b) do nothing and sit by while the Israelis go in there and use nuclear weapons to do the job. Which choice is the lesser evil?

If Israel attacks iran, it will be another war crime by the state of israel. i would hope our government would allow Israel to be prosecuted for crimes against peace and unprovoked war. But our government will not. It will of course protect their little crazy cop on the beat in the middle east by vetoing any security council resolution or ICC charge.


Well-Known Member
It is so amazing how the corporate media drag out the same pundits who got it so wrong on Iraq to assess what "to do with Iran". Once again the "news" shows are filled with the generals on tactics and strategy. Once again the networks have become occupied territory. Occupied by the powerful generals: general electric, general motors, general mills, general dynamics as well as the four star type.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The caption at the top of this photo reads "never again" in Hebrew.

The photo is of the front gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland where hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered during WWII. Above the gate are three friend-15's of the Israeli Air Force doing a flyover in 2003 to mark the 85th anniversary of the Polish Air Force. This photo is on the wall of virtually every military base in Israel, and the phrase "never again" is supposedly inscribed on Israels nuclear weapons. The philosophy of "never again" is deeply ingrained into the Israeli military mind. They have seen the folly of being unarmed and of relying on other nations to protect them, and they will never again allow themselves to be in that situation. Israel has demonstated time and time again that, right or wrong, they will act decisively and unilaterally if necessary to protect themselves. They rescued their hostages in Uganda in 1976, they preemptively destroyed the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground during the Six Day War in 1967, they took out the Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 (with Iranian cooperation) and they took out the Syrian nuclear facility in 2007. Bowing to U.S. political pressure, they failed to strike pre-emptively during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 and almost got wiped out by the Syrians. In that war, they came very close to deploying nuclear weapons against the Syrian armored columns that almost broke thru the Golan Heights. Israel learned the hard way that striking preemptively is often their only choice. Will they do it this time against Iran, and will they use nuclear weapons? Thats the question that scares me.



Engorged Member
Yep, the whole Middle East is planned. It's the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo (I swear I did not make that up either) verses the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows!

The winner gets to be the new Protocols of Zion top goyim boy!

No matzo ball soup for you.


golden ticket member
Sounds alot like those on the far right in this country denying evolution or global warming and even the holocaust itself too!!
OK, who on the right has been denying that Auschwitz happened ???? You can't just spout off that talk without the facts. Who says it? Where are the articles? Where's the proof?
I believe that evolution happened and I believe the concentration camps happened and I'm on the right.

You don't even know what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Oh, haven't you heard ?.....according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Auschwitz never happened.

Wrong again. Just because he's more intelligent than you, does not mean you can label him crazy.

Go ahead, start a holocaust investigation on your own, let's see how far you get before being slapped by AIPAC dogs.