

Well-Known Member

I've never met anyone of any political persuasion, race, etc. who was so obsessed with Al Sharpton as you are.

What's the deal?


When your bank says no, champion says YES
yeah kenny powers was funny, danny mcbride real name i just being goofy, i dont like sharpton he makes me laugh though, have a good night


Well-Known Member
In either case, the 'letter' to Iran written by some doosh and signed by 46 other Republicans is straight reckless.

Wow. The current congress (just like the last congress) simply won't give Obama's administration any room at all.

Reagan signed 'executive-deals' with Iran, uh-huh, it's true...there is precedent for 'executive-deals', look it up.

Bush JR. did the same, and dems pulled some similar crap that the pubs are pulling now...

It's unfortunate.

We should leave politics 'at the waters' edge', so to speak.

Any scholars of Rome out there?


Well-Known Member
Can the Iranians really be that smart? I mean, the "best minds" have told us for over 20 years that Iran is mere months away from a nuclear bomb and now today they are still mere months away from a nuclear bomb.

Then again, maybe we should reconsider the "best minds"!


Well-Known Member
The Iranian youth simply LOVE American culture, and why not, we're MAD AWESOME HERE IN THE US.

They love our music, they love LEVIS jeans, they love their new American 'smart' phones.

If our guvment was a little more in touch, we'd just wait them out.

Because, the iPhone is more likely to bring down the Iranian 'regime' than any sanctions or WAR PIGS ever could.

They already love Levis: let's flood their market with everything else they want...

Sanctions aren't quite working how we thought they would.

Let's defeat the Iran regime with the exact same weapon we're killing ourselves with:

Insane consumption.

Delicious irony.

Anyone remember Rome?


Bad Moon Risen'
On Monday, freshman Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) along with 46 US senators signed a letter to Iranian officials informing them that any nuclear deal would have to be approved by the US Senate.

Obama is trying to conveniently forget that little thing called the Constitution again.
Do you think the Iran/Contra scandal was constitutional?
Did you know the details of that agreement before it was a done deal?
Think not.