Any local is only as strong as its members unity. If you have a weak local, its tell tell of its members !
I respectfully disagree with this staatement.
There exists an apathy, fear, corruption, lack of honesty and morale in the everyday local culture at UPS.
This culture has disasterous effects on the morale of unionism and the members faith, trust and confidence and unity.
It is true this has greatly impacted voter turnout within the union. This lack of turnout to me represents this poor culture.
Now to my point.
The Teamsters, internationally and locally, is governed using a representative form of government.
The strength of any representative government can be measured by the strength of the leaders not by the strength of the members.
If you want to talk about apathy at the ballot box or why certain representatives are chosen, then talking about membership would be appropriate.
The fact is the Union Leaders represent the members and the members strenghth can only be represented by the strength of the leadership in place at the moment in time that union strength is being measured.