I decided not to move to Florida due to the heat, bugs, alligators, and too many people. Don't get me wrong, no state taxes and being near the beach was tempting. Last time I voted for a Democrat President was for Jimmy Carter. That disaster as a President cured me of that. I have voted third party, I'm not thrilled with the way the GOP blows money either. Anybody that thinks that socialism will work is a fool in my opinion and not worth listening too. It boggles my mind when I meet all these people that move to Atlanta to escape high taxes from Northern states and they still vote for Democrats.
Scratch, I'm surprised you didn't mention the iguanas and pythons encroaching as well. I don't live there currently but I have a place there, I'd welcome another voter like you to help hold my home state.
If you are settled in your decision
check out the Sarasota area or Punta Gorda or other Charlotte County. Atlantic side too many people, lotta traffic, beautiful though. Don't worry about gators, they are just what they are and they aren't looking to eat humans.
I remember talking to you once before, couple of years ago about your beautiful dog, a service dog as I remember for your wife. When we talked you had just gotten the new guy if I remember correctly.
Anyway best to you and my hope for you and your wife is a joyful well deserved retirement.
Best to you