So Bush lied when he said, "Mission Accomplished"?
As far as Obama is concerned, he did exactly what he said he was going to do, get the troops out Iraq.
No but I suspect that you wouldn't understand that.
It TROLL, not TOS.Still with the space camp stories? Sorry, thats too far back in the way machine mr peabody!
And I suspect that you can't explain it.
Yes, yes, he never actually said the words, and someone forget to take the sign down.
Pretty ridiculous photo op.
Here's what he actually said:
"In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."
"In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed...because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen and Iraq is free."
And the war lasted another eight years, with most of the casualties coming after 'major combat operations' had ended.
Hindsight's 20-20 I guess.
Actually it's called foresight when he said "We have difficult work to do in Iraq. "
The goal was to remove the regime from power which happened. Some of you guys don't like it but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen.
Nothing he said in that speech was incorrect and that is what kills you guys.
Before we invaded , there were no car bombings, no rioting in the streets, no clans of terrorists roaming the streets.
WE provided that opportunity with SHOCK and AWE that was suppose to bring terrorists to their knees, and all it really did was bring American to its knees with a giant recession that almost crippled this country permanately.
In addition, maybe you should visit the graves of the almost 10,000 dead military personnel who gave their lives for absolutely nothing in both wars and tell them how they lie in the dirt so you can feel better about president Bush.
There are plenty of countries with regimes that have committed mass killings, and nary a peep from the US.
But, that's not why we went into Iraq, was it?
In terms of the deficit, the unnecessary war in Iraq has already cost us over $2,000,000,000, and additional costs vis-a-vis Veteran's benefits and accrued interest may reach between $4 and $6 trillion...(Reuters estimate)
It's already well established that the Iraq war was a misadventure, that it put us in a more precarious position on the world stage (terrorism, etc.).
I wish we had those 10,000 US soldiers back.
I wonder what we could do in this country with $2 trillion (infrastructure, schools, health care, border security, on and on.
Absolutely, let's blame Obama.
So when your fabrication of Bush quotes doesn't work you really want to use the deficit argument?...
You're nothing if not consistent.
Look guy, you and I start from differing premises.
I don't buy yours, and you don't buy mine.
We're not ever going to come to common ground.
That's A-OK.
Here's a quote from you:
"I'll say that we fought a necessary war, won the necessary war..."
I disagree in the strongest possible way.
It wasn't a necessary war, and we certainly didn't / haven't won it.
I'm cherry-picking your post, but the point remains the same.
We most certainly didn't win the 'un' necessary war, and it's cost us in dead soldiers and straight up cash. If the Iraq war was a 'small business' venture, with the American people as investors, that business failed. Miserably.
Our premises are different: I disagree with yours, you disagree with mine, and never the twain shall meet.
Anytime you want to meet for a beer, I'm game.
I have no problem with a disagreement...
Cheers mate, I can say the same.
Again, I'll just say that you and I are cut from different cloth, in terms of how we view the world-geopolitical-structure.
It's cool, I know that I won't change your mind, and you should know that you won't change my mind.
Like I said in a previous post, we're starting from differing premises.
Not a problem, let us continue to watch the world rotate... (did you see those pics of the Rosetta comet?).
P.S. You do yourself a disservice by continually labeling TOS as 'troll'.
By definition, he's posting from "THE OTHER SIDE".
He (I'm assuming the poster is a male) is consistently taking the most left/liberal position possible. It's amusing, certainly, yet it's sometimes educational.
TOS is literally taking the other side...yet he/she clearly means it.
When the only rebuttal is 'TROLL', that stops the conversation/debate point-blank.
If you disagree with TOS, argue with him on the merits.