ISIS aka The Islamic State


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Why is obuma calling ISIS .....ISIL ?
The acronym is either "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" or "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" depending upon which dialect of Arabic it is being translated from. Prior to 1946, the nation now known as Syria was called "The Levant" when it was ruled by France under the post-WW1 League of Nations mandate.
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Well-Known Member
Al-Qaeda: financed by Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

ISIS: financed by Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

It's just good for business.


Inordinately Right
If I agree that the Middle East is a no win situation....then why do we send mega $$$$ all over there ???

Stop the money, stop the interference, stop the inward flow of all of them. They can stay in the sand and fight it out with each other. We have our own oil.
If you actually mean what you say, you would stop voting for Republicans. I have a feeling it's just lip service though.


golden ticket member
A Dem. has been elected for 2 terms and the money has not stopped being Dem is not the 'fixer' you think it is.


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you actually mean what you say, you would stop voting for Republicans. I have a feeling it's just lip service though.
Where does it say anything about not voting Republican again in that post you responded too?

You libs live in a very SPECIAL world.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's kind of hard to have a discussion when you're telling people that don't agree with your view of the world that they should be in psych wards.

Just saying.

I don't have a problem with people that don't agree with me. Nor do I think that everyone that doesn't agree with me needs to be in a psych ward. However, there are a certain kind of people that don't agree with me because they suffer from a mental illness called liberalism. It's not really me they don't agree with. It's logic and common sense they seem to have the inability to agree with. For that they belong in a psych ward. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Again, you're saying that you disagree with 'a certain kind of people that don't agree with me because they suffer from a mental illness called liberalism'.

And you go on to say that they suffer from a lack of common sense and logic.

Once more, it's hard to have a discussion with someone who thinks that certain people belong in a 'psych ward', simply because they don't agree with your logic structure.

LOL! , as you say.

If you disagree with these people, debate them on the merits of competing beliefs, instead of calling them potential 'psych-ward' patients...

What if I said to you, based on your posts, you are most definitely in line for the psych-ward?

Your rationale would be as good as mine...


Strength through joy
My problem is with people who only have a limited option available ; convert or die .
My suggestion is that those who agree with the convert option move to the areas where they can honor their convictions .
Staying surrounded by us non-believers must be breaking their hearts daily .
The best option is to isolate us non- believers unto our own island , thus one would not have to interact with us .
Go live with all those like minded people who will worship you for yourself commitment to their cause .
I understand that you will be giving up your luxury homes & cars , but it's for the greater good .
I'm sure that bhos will be willing to move a family or two into your vacant homes to fulfill his dream . But that is not your concern .
You will have left your home country with all it's luxuries to live within a 5th century culture .