
There will always be a “generation of terrorists” in that area, it had been that way for thousands of years.
Calling the Arabs terrorists is kind of rich since Judea invented middle eastern terrorism with massacres of Roman women and children while the men were away, and then Israel invented modern middle eastern terrorism with massacres of Arab villages and bombings against Europeans

The Jews also supported the Muslims against the Crusades, and in Spain opened the gates of Toledo at night for Moorish forces to sack the city and slaughter the Christians

The Arabs of Palestine co-existed with Jews for 700 years until Bolshevik Jews from Russia showed up and decided to evict them
I'll also point out that the Hamas "terrorists" (who Israel helped bankroll the creation of) have only made attacks against Israel, who they're effectively at war with

Meanwhile, Israel openly supplies ISIS which has staged attacks against Europe and the US (but curiously never Israel.....makes you think)


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
There has to be a final solution to this matter. The Palestines are never going back into Gaza.. there is no separation between a Palestine and Hamas, one the same. There will always be a “generation of terrorists” in that area, it had been that way for thousands of years. At least Trump is trying to figure it out, let’s see how he does…the whole region has been a viper’s nest previously..
The Roman’s called it “depopulating”. Make enough trouble and that’s what happened

Gotta Go

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