
Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
ISREAL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY. Westerners forget Australia has fought with the USA in every war over the last century and never had to give them 3 billion dollars per year to do so. While we fight Israel's wars for them. Then this becomes a left vs right thing in America. Truth be told Hamas is inept. It’s Hezbollah / Badr Brigade that can fight Zionism.
Didn’t know Australia was surrounded by its enemies calling for its destruction.

Thanks for that eye-opening information!


Well-Known Member
Man, the more you post, the clearer an image of a kid in the basement appears....
I won't bother to explain how the world works; others have tried...

Allegory of the basement (rickyb's Cave: "The effect of education and the lack of it on our nature"....You are a case study in the nature of perception..
And just exactly what makes you an authority on international law and diplomacy?


Legio patria nostra
You don't need to do that. Your view of world politics is both shallow and that of a pure layman with a GED and a preachers license.
LOL....You couldn't lick the dog :censored2: off my boots princess. Go back to your Occupy Kolwezi tent city and forage through some street trash to feed yourself...Ha Ha...You're a joke!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member



Sarah Abdallah



Israel has now bombed: Gaza’s biggest library Hospital roads A Red Crescent building Hospitals and clinics A refugee camp Homes and apartments Media agencies Doctors and paramedics Entire Palestinian families

And Joe Biden responds by giving Israel $735 million more in weapons.


stuff like this is why americans cant figure out what their govt is supporting abroad

Aaron Maté



The Washington Post describes Israel's bombardments of Gaza's homes, health centers, agriculture, bookstores, orphanages, cultural centers, & other civilian targets as "strikes on Hamas tunnels." Does the IDF pay
for its PR services, or is it on the house?

