The "saint" person has a point. It is getting harder to find people, I mean good people to work these shifts. Some of the hours are crazy. Yes, you do have "lifer" part timers who have a business on the side and part time suits them fine because of the health benefit equation. 2 years ago they let relatives work as driver helpers for the first time during peak. Now your brother, sister etc. can work for the company. It used to be against "company law" to have a relative working. This tells me something. One is they have "run out" of options so to speak. All these years and they Co. got a bad rap. Instead of 20 or 30 coming in to apply for a job. Maybe you get 2 to 10 people. This is pure speculation on my part. The part time sups are now workers with ties getting less respect from full time sups. Oh, by the way tieguy you are such a company lackey you make me want to vomit