IT Layoffs


New Member
Don't believe it! UPS never do things random. This layoff was planned in great detail. The layoff people were picked in such a way that no specific group of people (race, age groups, etc) stands out. This is done to avoid any class action lawsuits. I cannot prove what I just typed, but I know from my gut this is true.

Our group in Paramus NJ were told on Monday (8/17) that the layoff is over for us. Let's hope this economy turns around soon. We will all be out of a job if UPS volume remains flat. :anxious:

We were told the same thing in Lville last week that the layoff is over for us. However, I hope noone here thinks that if things continue to go as they have in the economy that round 2 won't be coming along shortly. My gut tells me that they are done with the layoffs 'for now' as they want to get through peak season but come the new year, watch out!


Well-Known Member
and that's EXACTLY what they want you to do....

Well, I guess the feeling is mutual. Funny how I went from being a business partner who was proud of working in UPS to an 'employee' looking for an exit in a scant two weeks. And I wasn't even laid off, I just see the writing on the wall.
I could not have said it better myself, upsiser828. I think there were many people who took for granted the fact that UPS worked diligently to keep employees until the economy tanked. The only thing that could ever really guarantee being fired was integrity... aka lying. Now that they have reason to let go of some of the lesser performers, they're doing so. The entertaining thing for me is that these people had every opportunity to get their acts together and make a good name for themselves, but chose not to make the attempt. These folks weren't betrayed by UPS, but rather, their own arrogance.


New Member
Tomorrow will be IS Windward layoff. Wonder how many can they get rid there. What's next after IS layoff? Layoff the HPI's (highly paid individuals)?


Well-Known Member
The only thing that could ever really guarantee being fired was integrity... aka lying. Now that they have reason to let go of some of the lesser performers, they're doing so. The entertaining thing for me is that these people had every opportunity to get their acts together and make a good name for themselves, but chose not to make the attempt. These folks weren't betrayed by UPS, but rather, their own arrogance.

There is a formal process for getting rid of low performing folks called PIP. Shame on their managers for not starting them down that road and opening their eyes to the reality of leaving UPS before now.

Shame on you for saying people getting fired is entertaining. Nothing funny about people scrambling to pay for COBRA, mortgage or food, no matter their performance at UPS.
Hopefully Windward will be spared of many layoffs. They already roll with a skeleton crew and are way underpaid down there in comparison to Mahwah regardless of where they are located.

As for my old buddies in Mahwah sorry for those that got let go and for those still left behind hang in there. Just work hard and do what you do best, chin up and make sure when they are doing your QPR if less than expected dont sign anything.
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{one-time disclaimer for my first-time posting: everything I post is strictly my opinion unless I back it with a web-site reference or the like. I am not an expert in global econimics, world economy, polictics & government, or spelling. I'm a simple person doing my best at my job for a company I hope will flourish]

Many, many things said here I'd have to agree with. This didn't happen at UPSIS because of anything UPS did ~ you can likely blame is on government, greed, and trying keeping the stock market "experts" happy. Even though stock owners did pretty well when we went public, I was not happy with that decision due to the whimsical nature of the market. Since I started in IS it seemed to be a larger IT organization than others I knew of, and have learned over the years that is because they tried to keep/protect it's people. It problably would have been better to not create bogus employment-preserving positions, not to hide LE's in not-so accurate QPR's, etc. Have you looked at the IS org charts and seen how many mgrs have less thab 5 worker-bees under them? It is very nice that people were spared over the years, but it's caught up with us. And I know there are definitely people who essentially have very little to do and are really just seat-warmers. Now, in regards to who's being released, and how it's happening, I'm quite ashamed that this world-wide, world-class company which claims to love it's people showed absolutely no respect for them. Many ISers have gone thru layoffs before in much more dignified ways than this is being done. Also, they manner in which it's done seems to be different from sysmgr to sysmgr ~ but i guess tha's the typical UPS "manager's discretion" policy.

It is really sad to see and hear about fellow UPSers leaving, and my prayers are with you.

In regards to IBM/Accenture, does anyone know how they are doing, like if they are worth what we are paying them to do, like should we have done this instead of just keeping the people we let go?
Most the Accenture people are hired right off the street with little to no programming experience... That was well thought out...

Does anyone know the total number of Layoffs in New Jersey this week and if Louisville will have anymore SS layoffs?

Good Luck to everyone that has left the sinking ship... There will be a lot more of us to follow... :anxious:


New Member
{one-time disclaimer for my first-time posting: everything I post is strictly my opinion unless I back it with a web-site reference or the like. I am not an expert in global econimics, world economy, polictics & government, or spelling. I'm a simple person doing my best at my job for a company I hope will flourish]

Many, many things said here I'd have to agree with. This didn't happen at UPSIS because of anything UPS did ~ you can likely blame is on government, greed, and trying keeping the stock market "experts" happy. Even though stock owners did pretty well when we went public, I was not happy with that decision due to the whimsical nature of the market. Since I started in IS it seemed to be a larger IT organization than others I knew of, and have learned over the years that is because they tried to keep/protect it's people. It problably would have been better to not create bogus employment-preserving positions, not to hide LE's in not-so accurate QPR's, etc. Have you looked at the IS org charts and seen how many mgrs have less thab 5 worker-bees under them? It is very nice that people were spared over the years, but it's caught up with us. And I know there are definitely people who essentially have very little to do and are really just seat-warmers. Now, in regards to who's being released, and how it's happening, I'm quite ashamed that this world-wide, world-class company which claims to love it's people showed absolutely no respect for them. Many ISers have gone thru layoffs before in much more dignified ways than this is being done. Also, they manner in which it's done seems to be different from sysmgr to sysmgr ~ but i guess tha's the typical UPS "manager's discretion" policy.

It is really sad to see and hear about fellow UPSers leaving, and my prayers are with you.

In regards to IBM/Accenture, does anyone know how they are doing, like if they are worth what we are paying them to do, like should we have done this instead of just keeping the people we let go?

who would ever admit that the IBM/Accenture decision was a mistake. good luck finding the financials..
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New Member
Good concept. However, moving UPS people around globally costs money which is something the company is not going to do. The idea of global development is to use resources in India with Accenture as one of the contracting vendors and then reducing employee headcount. I'm sure someone did the math on this to calculate the savings compared to retaining UPS employees. The end result will be less UPS IT employees. I see this impacting IT Managers also. If there isn't anywhere to re-assign our people there is only one place for them to go. I hope those impacted are updating their resumes.

Interesting you stated the "end result will be less UPS IT employees". Nothing about improved quality, significant cost savings(and proving it!!) Stronger UPS organization, speed to market, etc. There should be accountability for the decisions being made. We'll see if the truth is ever provided.
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Space Cadet
Most the Accenture people are hired right off the street with little to no programming experience... That was well thought out...

Does anyone know the total number of Layoffs in New Jersey this week and if Louisville will have anymore SS layoffs?

Good Luck to everyone that has left the sinking ship... There will be a lot more of us to follow... :anxious:

Louisville is done. Until the IBM/Accenture deal has sunk like a stone, when they will be hiring again...


New Member
I have read almost all of these posts in this thread and I have yet to read one that says UPS will not succeed with those let go......perhaps that sums up the value they added?

Ya....and how would that be quantified??? who do you trust to tell the truth?
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Nine Lives
ali1027 - -do you know how to reply without creating a bunch of extra posts? and you are pretty much wrong about everything.

can someone reject this guys login?

The thought had occurred ... you would think an IT person would be a little more savvy. :funny:

I guess all LEs were not let go. :wink2:


Space Cadet
ali1027 - -do you know how to reply without creating a bunch of extra posts? and you are pretty much wrong about everything.

can someone reject this guys login?

He replied to 4 different people with 4 posts. How is that creating a bunch of extra posts?

And his opinion may differ from yours, but that doesn't mean he is wrong. "Who can you trust?" is a pretty darn good question under the circumstances. Particularly on an internet forum where anonymous posters can put up anything they please, and you have no idea whether they are an actual employee, or the CIO trolling the board.
IMO, there have been several posts here that in my mind are clearly upper management trolls trying to do damage control and CYA.

So is, "Who will be held accountable if this decision turns out to be wrong?" Have you ever noticed, at UPS the poor schmuck PT front line sup gets canned rather quickly if their numbers aren't up to snuff, but district and region managers, and the department heads at Corporate can leak away millions of dollars in bad decisions, and no one bats an eye?


I can't speak for everyone, granted, but those weren't all LEs.
I was laid off, and I have never been LE - In fact, in May, I had just been promoted.

My guess is (and this is only speculation) that the black list was
created sometime January-February, and people were targeted and singled out for
sometime. Maybe, in some cases it started two years ago, when some PL
from another state, didn't like you and didn't really know you, and from
here it started rolling - A black mark against you when they're looking for about any reason to remove somebody for this round of lay offs, or position them for the next round. For the SM - we are just numbers, with nothing personal in them.