IT Layoffs


Active Member
I can't speak for everyone, granted, but those weren't all LEs.
I was laid off, and I have never been LE - In fact, in May, I had just been promoted.

My guess is (and this is only speculation) that the black list was
created sometime January-February, and people were targeted and singled out for
sometime. Maybe, in some cases it started two years ago, when some PL
from another state, didn't like you and didn't really know you, and from
here it started rolling - A black mark against you when they're looking for about any reason to remove somebody for this round of lay offs, or position them for the next round. For the SM - we are just numbers, with nothing personal in them.

I question the validity of this post as to i am aware of only 1 or 2 promotions this year


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for everyone, granted, but those weren't all LEs.
I was laid off, and I have never been LE - In fact, in May, I had just been promoted.

I don't know for sure if everyone let go was LE or not. Of the layoffs that I had worked with, 90% were what I would consider LE. The other 10%, I don't know; our interactions had been just fine.

I would like to hear more about this promotion. With absolutely no pay increases, how on earth would you have been promoted? Did you make more money or just change titles?
No pay increase change of title.

Then it was probably not a promotion. Promotion would be a change in your grade by by more than 4 units.
If you were an LE you would have known. There is a process in place for those identified as an LE. You told your performance is not at the expected level with recommendations to improve and your manager needs to start a coaching file. HR is usually involved and working with the manager to insure process is followed. If no improvement then it escalates to a more formalized PIP process and HR is directly involved.
So if you were not an LE, what reason did they give you?


New Member
You were promoted in May of 2009? Interesting, I thought they meant no one was going to be promoted when they made the announcements that "NO ONE WAS BEING PROMOTED" :)


New Member
First off, if you are made an LE, your manager is obligated to tell you. After that they have to do write-ups, and meetings, and at some point HR will call you in to ask if that person is still considered an LE or should be taken off. They will also call in the LE to see if they are making progress.
People are made LE's because they are low performers in that department (they could be high performers in another department). If someone is told out of the blue that they are an LE then shame on the manager, and shame on HR for not calling the manager out on it. I know one person that was made an LE by another manager, without being warned or coached, and HR backed him up, and the manager was forced to redesignate the person to ME. The manager was mad, but he had no choice. Yes, the person who was redeignated from LE to ME is still with us.
Also, most of what predicates your standing in the organization is the ranking / rating system. Where you are ranked / rated against people that do totally different jobs than you at your level; these people are in the same department as you are in most cases, and you are rated by managers who have no idea who the person they are rating is, other then heresay in a good number of cases.
Also, some people that were let go (or transitioned out of UPS - which seems to be the new buzzphrase), were not LE's. Some were close to retirement, some should have retired awhile ago, and some were LE's. There were a few that were let go, that did not fit that mold but fit into some HR algorithm along the way.
As for the IBM / Accenture deal, the support is atrocious, and we will be rolling in IBM equipment like there is no tomorrow. Especially, since they are considered a strategic partner of ours, no matter what havoc they wreak, and how inferior their equipment and support is.
These layoffs were predicted when we went public, my understanding is that UPS never had layoffs when we were a private company.
We had calls from India demanding things (I will not say), and they were informed of the proper channels to go thru, and they had no clue what we were talking about. Support calls with them are atrocious, and it is going to be interesting to see what is developed in India, and rolled out in the United States.


Then it was probably not a promotion. Promotion would be a change in your grade by by more than 4 units.
If you were an LE you would have known. There is a process in place for those identified as an LE. You told your performance is not at the expected level with recommendations to improve and your manager needs to start a coaching file. HR is usually involved and working with the manager to insure process is followed. If no improvement then it escalates to a more formalized PIP process and HR is directly involved.
So if you were not an LE, what reason did they give you?

There were no PIP, no HR involved, nor was I told about LE
I was told:
"My position is impacted by reduction of force in connection with the 2009 Global Development initiative...
The involuntary terminations related to the Global Development initiative will commence in or about August 2009 and are expected to continue through December 2009, and may continue through the first six months of 2010...
termination and retention decisions turned on one or a combination of the following factors: length of service, employee performance, skills and experience, and the staffing needs of the portfolio"

As for me,
next week I have a meeting with Washington DC team of lawyers. We will see.
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The 'surprise' at the layoffs come because UPS has never before laid off IS MIP folks en masse as is happening now. Those of us in IS with marketable skills have always accepted UPS' less than industry standard wages for the stability of a company where they didn't lay us off. That's all going to change now. Even if I survive the next few months of purges, I'm going to fine tune my skills and start seeking work elsewhere. Why should I work for $20K less than I could pull in anywhere else if the stability is gone? I bet there are plenty others who feel the same way and are going to be looking for an exit.

My advice as one of "the de-partnered" :angry: is don't think that anyone in IS is safe. As it has been stated in other posts, there is more to come! I too stayed at Big Brown because of the stability/integrity factor. It was understood and preached to the MIPed that this was the last place you needed to work and everything depended on your ability to contribute and produce. (which I did and I have the awards and plaques and other company produced BS to prove it):biting: The problem is that many of the recently reduced out of job did all they were asked and more. It didn't help... and at the end there was no recognition of past contribution or extenuating circumstance, just the door and a paltry severance.:sick:

The real kick for me comes from being led on and told that you are doing what is expected even though your group may not be, and that there will be a seat for you in the NEW UPS.... and then the AXE FALLS:knockedout:. You would think as one gets older he becomes less easily made a fool... Not me! Not this time! I should have listen to my old man, but instead I let management piss in my ear and tell me its raining!:sad-very:

Those of you still in IS... "ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you":whiteflag:


New Member
We've been told that the restructuring is complete. The application teams went through restructuring based on the global development initiative. CRA and SS went through restructuring because of the cost to serve model study that was conducted last year. Some folks you coul0d understand being let go and others, only the ones who made the decision to let them go knows why.
Good luck to those who need to find a job - having had friends laid off from other IT organizations and industries are having a hard time finding a job. For those who remain - if you are searching - good luck! If you want to stay, make sure you cover yourself; that means doing the best job you can, keep up your skills and be able to offer a skill that makes you "marketable" in the organization. Though the restructuring is complete, you never know when the next need to restructure will come. Especially as folks come off of outsourced positions and are people they want to keep. They may have to eliminate others to find room for them.


New Member
mumbles, It is more or less like a WAR zone. I was a consultant before joining and am used to working hard.

well ! when i joined last year , i joined NOT because UPS is an IT company which it is NOT. It is just using IT to expedite their core business which is Delivery. If you are working in IT , you should already know this.

Anyway , Few things for folks who are scared of losing job

1. Don't wait till UPS kicks you out , we are all in a death row and it is just matter of time. So , before they kill you , you should find a good shelter.

2. If you are scared , they will scare you more. Don't show the fear , Don't gossip , instead use that time to learn something new that could place you in a better position

3. UPS is trying to cut cost , if you were the CEO , you would do the same. Don;t you shop around , discard stuff when you need ? Listen folks , negative energy bring negative ideas , hang out with folks that are dynamic , full of ideas that could make your future better

4. Layoff is just another name of knowing that " my employer either does not find me fit for the JOB or they can't afford to my salaries even though i work hard " . There are so many other things that one can do beside IT. Why get stuck with IT alone , find something to do on weekends.

5. Last but not least , YOU are what you are today with the CHOICES that you made in the PAST. you will be what you want to be , with the CHOICES that you make today and in future.

Make a CHOICE , and don't give someone a chance to design / develop and code your future

Always the BEST


Active Member
No pay increase change of title.

Not true ?? A G&A architect was promoted to a principal arch in CRA. They then promoted to replace the G&A architect. I seen emails to this effect and i know the guy who went to Mahwah.

Speak from facts. The bitter retiree who continues to spin untruths has made me not want to come to this board anymore.


mumbles, It is more or less like a WAR zone. I was a consultant before joining and am used to working hard.

well ! when i joined last year , i joined NOT because UPS is an IT company which it is NOT. It is just using IT to expedite their core business which is Delivery. If you are working in IT , you should already know this.

Anyway , Few things for folks who are scared of losing job

1. Don't wait till UPS kicks you out , we are all in a death row and it is just matter of time. So , before they kill you , you should find a good shelter.

2. If you are scared , they will scare you more. Don't show the fear , Don't gossip , instead use that time to learn something new that could place you in a better position

3. UPS is trying to cut cost , if you were the CEO , you would do the same. Don;t you shop around , discard stuff when you need ? Listen folks , negative energy bring negative ideas , hang out with folks that are dynamic , full of ideas that could make your future better

4. Layoff is just another name of knowing that " my employer either does not find me fit for the JOB or they can't afford to my salaries even though i work hard " . There are so many other things that one can do beside IT. Why get stuck with IT alone , find something to do on weekends.

5. Last but not least , YOU are what you are today with the CHOICES that you made in the PAST. you will be what you want to be , with the CHOICES that you make today and in future.

Make a CHOICE , and don't give someone a chance to design / develop and code your future

Always the BEST

BEST, did you teach SLS?

I remember the BEST principles from SLS.

Be clear
Expect the best
Stick to the objective
Test the commitment

Also, good advice on your post.


Well-Known Member
Not true ?? A G&A architect was promoted to a principal arch in CRA. They then promoted to replace the G&A architect. I seen emails to this effect and i know the guy who went to Mahwah.

Speak from facts. The bitter retiree who continues to spin untruths has made me not want to come to this board anymore.
Try using the IGNORE LIST. Bitter? Bitte, bitte, bitte. Still, you failed to respond to my comments which were trying to elicit facts from your unsubstantiated, obsequiously, fawning statements: (Your comments are in brown).

With all due respect you ought to give it a try, at least the last three.



"I am motivated and energized to move on and gain market share and profitable volume. We need to make ourselves into assets that cannot be replaced." Go ahead. Turn yourself into an asset. If you truly believe in what you wrote here then you are part of the problem, not the solution. It is clearly aimed at people other than those who contribute to this board.

"The economy has a lot to do with the stock price being in the low $50s." Maybe. Or maybe management's decision to go public (still unexplained to my satisfaction) had something to do with the price being overpriced at $80.

We all know where the fat was " Where? And if you did know where the fat was then why didn't you tell somebody?

"UPS is a great company." How so?

"They say it is over." Who says?
For those who are waiting for their final paycheck to go into Direct Deposit and who expect it to be for the full month's pay...for get it. They are mailing your final checks to your home and paying you up to the day you left. So much for my budget!!!