It's happening


Well-Known Member
Special operators’ families are probably even more used to deployments than those of conventional forces. If they’re not in one place overseas, they’re in another. And training and advising the Kurds, one of the few modern and forward-thinking populations in the Middle East is probably preferable to getting shot at or IED’d elsewhere.
While we were at it we should have carved out a Kurdistan to reward their loyalty to us. Turkey would have strongly objected but look what the Turks are doing anyways. The Kurds are the world's largest ethnic group without their own country.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
While we were at it we should have carved out a Kurdistan to reward their loyalty to us. Turkey would have strongly objected but look what the Turks are doing anyways. The Kurds are the world's largest ethnic group without their own country.

Yeah. But if Trump had, Erdogan might have removed his name from the Trump towers in Istanbul, sooooo....

I know, Mother Jones. But Trump does receive royalties for the use of his name. It's in his own financial disclosures:

Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

"Trump’s policy toward Turkey is also a significant conflict of interest, as Trump himself has admitted. In 2015, while running for president, Trump gave an interview to Stephen Bannon, not yet his campaign manager, in which he talked about Turkey. Right away, he admitted that his business interests in the country would make it difficult for him to deal with Turkey with a clear mind.

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

Those Trump Towers are a pair of glass buildings in Istanbul that have borne Trump’s name since 2012. Trump doesn’t own the buildings—the situation might be less complicated if he did. Instead, Trump licenses his brand to the building’s actual owner, Turkish business magnate Aydin Dogan, who has been described as the single largest payer of taxes in Turkey. He’s a one-time antagonist of Erdogan who is now in step with the strongman.

The conflict of interest and the way it could affect Trump’s position on important issues—or at least the perception of how it could affect his position—quickly became obvious after Trump made this comment. In June 2016, after Trump said he supported a ban on immigration by people from countries he said were associated with Islamic terrorism—he called them “terror countries”—Erdogan objected, and so did Dogan, and both threatened to remove Trump’s name from the buildings.

That’s no small threat—according to personal financial disclosures filed by Trump, since he launched his bid for the presidency, he has earned somewhere between $3.2 million and $17 million in royalties from the deal. (The amounts are given in ranges; the precise figures are unclear.)"


Well-Known Member
Special operators’ families are probably even more used to deployments than those of conventional forces. If they’re not in one place overseas, they’re in another. And training and advising the Kurds, one of the few modern and forward-thinking populations in the Middle East is probably preferable to getting shot at or IED’d elsewhere.

Is that what your son or daughter said?


Well-Known Member
Unlike yourself in my time there was no such thing as an "all volunteer" US armed forces. Being the "freedom and liberty" guy you had the freedom and liberty to make the choice on whether or not to enlist . A choice I didn't have. Now being the Desmond Doss of your generation your decision to carry a medical bag rather than a gun ( probably a reserve unit at that) is no more noble then my decision to simply wait for the military to decide if they wanted me and in what capacity because at that time they sent you to whatever branch they not you chose to wherever they wanted to send you to join whatever unit they chose in whatever capacity they chose.

I'm volunteer , Vietnam era veteran, expert field medic, rapid deployment force regular army. What else you got to try to take the attention away from your cowardice?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. But if Trump had, Erdogan might have removed his name from the Trump towers in Istanbul, sooooo....

I know, Mother Jones. But Trump does receive royalties for the use of his name. It's in his own financial disclosures:

Reminder: Trump has a massive conflict of interest in Turkey

"Trump’s policy toward Turkey is also a significant conflict of interest, as Trump himself has admitted. In 2015, while running for president, Trump gave an interview to Stephen Bannon, not yet his campaign manager, in which he talked about Turkey. Right away, he admitted that his business interests in the country would make it difficult for him to deal with Turkey with a clear mind.

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

Those Trump Towers are a pair of glass buildings in Istanbul that have borne Trump’s name since 2012. Trump doesn’t own the buildings—the situation might be less complicated if he did. Instead, Trump licenses his brand to the building’s actual owner, Turkish business magnate Aydin Dogan, who has been described as the single largest payer of taxes in Turkey. He’s a one-time antagonist of Erdogan who is now in step with the strongman.

The conflict of interest and the way it could affect Trump’s position on important issues—or at least the perception of how it could affect his position—quickly became obvious after Trump made this comment. In June 2016, after Trump said he supported a ban on immigration by people from countries he said were associated with Islamic terrorism—he called them “terror countries”—Erdogan objected, and so did Dogan, and both threatened to remove Trump’s name from the buildings.

That’s no small threat—according to personal financial disclosures filed by Trump, since he launched his bid for the presidency, he has earned somewhere between $3.2 million and $17 million in royalties from the deal. (The amounts are given in ranges; the precise figures are unclear.)"

A lot of verbiage spiced with conspiracy. Use this simple benchmark and tell me if you feel strongly enough to put your son or daughter in the middle of this turkey/ kurd dispute?


Well-Known Member
While we were at it we should have carved out a Kurdistan to reward their loyalty to us. Turkey would have strongly objected but look what the Turks are doing anyways. The Kurds are the world's largest ethnic group without their own country.

We had our hands full rebuilding Iran and dealing with the secular strife there. Creating a Kurdistan and dealing with those issues at the same time would have been impossible.

El Correcto

god is dead
Is that what your son or daughter said?
A lot of verbiage spiced with conspiracy. Use this simple benchmark and tell me if you feel strongly enough to put your son or daughter in the middle of this turkey/ kurd dispute?
If it involves ISIS absolutely. You seem to have forgotten son.

Most combat veterans I’ve heard know what they signed up for and want to fight. They aren’t all side line cry babies like you.

El Correcto

god is dead
I love these demagogues. Why does it involve us? This isn’t our fight!

You’re very naive if you think these people are done killing us.


Well-Known Member
I'm volunteer , Vietnam era veteran, expert field medic, rapid deployment force regular army. What else you got to try to take the attention away from your cowardice?
The key word here is "ERA". Which means that you only served in that period of time but not IN that combat theater .


Well-Known Member
We had our hands full rebuilding Iran and dealing with the secular strife there. Creating a Kurdistan and dealing with those issues at the same time would have been impossible.
I don't remember Iran having ever asked us for help. In fact we invited ourselves into Iran to so called "help" it . A help they didn't need or want and haven't forgotten it.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
If it involves ISIS absolutely. You seem to have forgotten son.

Most combat veterans I’ve heard know what they signed up for and want to fight. They aren’t all side line cry babies like you.
No veteran I ever met wanted to go to war. They wanted to do their duty for their country. You sound like some right wing chicken hawk. Like commander bone spurs or a john bolton.

El Correcto

god is dead
No veteran I ever met wanted to go to war. They wanted to do their duty for their country. You sound like some right wing chicken hawk. Like commander bone spurs or a john bolton.
My father dropped out of high school to be a machine gunner on the marines. He wanted to go shoot people when Reagan got elected.

Most veterans I’ve talked to wanted to fight. They saw what terrorists did to their countrymen and it pissed them off.


Well-Known Member
Ole Jammy screwed that up for sure.
Go back and look at the things we did to Iran in the 1940's and 50's . One of the worst foreign policy blunders in American history and we're still paying for it today. Jimmy would have really screwed things up if he did what Reagan said he would have done if he were president.