J6 Hearing


Well-Known Member
Can't imagine the pain they must have felt when they realized their government lied to them about what really happened. What's amazing is we're told it was all a big lie that the 2020 election was rigged but then come to find out the Jan. 6th Commission lied to us and manipulated evidence to lead us to false conclusions. Couple that with things like Twitter working with the FBI to censor speech and it becomes clear that there's very little we can trust the Left to be honest about. There was obviously dishonesty on the Right too i.e. FOX going along with the Dominion voting machine narrative. It's all about who controls the money in Washington and how it'll be spent. For those who think we have no power why do you think they carry on this three ring circus? Because in our system you have to have the votes to have the power. There's no dictatorship doing what it wants. They do all of these things for votes. Get them to obtain and stay in power. Lose them and they're out. Along comes a guy like Trump who cares about the country and he's smeared every which way because he's a threat to the money machine. Lenin talked of useful idiots. When you jump on the bandwagon to attack those who are trying to make a real difference you are your party's useful idiot. They're only interested in how you can help them gain control. Your vote. Your repeating their lies.


nowhere special

  • Carlson on Monday night began broadcasting clips, highlighting in particular the movements of 'QAnon Shaman' and Officer Brian Sicknick, who later died
  • Carlson said the footage showed 'Shaman' Jacob Chansley being 'escorted' through the Capitol, and claimed Sicknick was 'healthy and vigorous'
  • 'They were orderly and meek,' said Carlson of those who stormed the Capitol. 'These were not insurrectionists; they were sightseers.'
shocked face.jpg

When the J6 committee brought in a guy from Hollywood to create the videos they showed what did you expect?


Strength through joy

“Under public pressure, the January 6 Committee finally interviewed Ray Epps. He told the committee he never entered the Capitol and therefore never committed a crime,” Carlson explained. “In text messages showed that at 2:12:00 PM, he boasted to his nephew that he had ‘orchestrated’ the protest at the Capitol.”

“He admitted he helped get people there,” Carlson said. “Tonight, we can tell you that at the very least Ray Epps lied in his sworn testimony to the January 6th Committee. Epps testified that when he sent the text messages to his nephew, he had already left the Capitol grounds to return to his hotel room. That is not true.”

“The surveillance footage we found that shows in fact Ray Epps remained at the Capitol for at least another half an hour,” Carlson said, allegedly displaying the video proof. “What was Epps doing? We cannot say, but we do know that he lied to investigators. The January 6 Committee likely knew this too. Democrats had access to the same tape, yet they defended Ray Epps.”

Tucker noted his video shows Epps encouraging protestors outside the Capitol Building to enter.


Well-Known Member
Example of what Tucker Carlson exposed. A large group of senators and staff were being led to safety by Capitol Police. They were all hustling. Hawley was running to catch up to them. The J6 committee only showed Hawley running to embarrass him but cut out the large group who had just moved very quickly through that hall. This is what has got the Dems so upset. They very selectively showed video to shape a narrative. Tucker showed a lot of what they didn't show. And it showed a very different "riot." That "QAnon Shaman" for example. Wandering the hallways while escorted by two friendly Capitol Policemen. Nothing violent. Got 4 years in prison yet this video wasn't allowed to be shown at his trial. None of the video was allowed at any of the trials to help the defense. The government acting like the country almost got taken over by a mob when the video clearly shows anything but. And you Trump haters gleefully jump on snips of video like Hawley running that bolster your viewpoint.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Example of what Tucker Carlson exposed. A large group of senators and staff were being led to safety by Capitol Police. They were all hustling. Hawley was running to catch up to them. The J6 committee only showed Hawley running to embarrass him but cut out the large group who had just moved very quickly through that hall. This is what has got the Dems so upset. They very selectively showed video to shape a narrative. Tucker showed a lot of what they didn't show. And it showed a very different "riot." That "QAnon Shaman" for example. Wandering the hallways while escorted by two friendly Capitol Policemen. Nothing violent. Got 4 years in prison yet this video wasn't allowed to be shown at his trial. None of the video was allowed at any of the trials to help the defense. The government acting like the country almost got taken over by a mob when the video clearly shows anything but. And you Trump haters gleefully jump on snips of video like Hawley running that bolster your viewpoint.
"Hang Mike Pence." Yeah just a peaceful protest.


Staff member
Example of what Tucker Carlson exposed. A large group of senators and staff were being led to safety by Capitol Police. They were all hustling. Hawley was running to catch up to them.
So Tucker exposed that Hawley and others “were being led to safety”.

Safety. Safety from peaceful visitors to the Capitol building? Safety from coke Hawley had demonstrated solidarity with? Hawley was being embarrassed by the media for having to hustle away from a mob that he had earlier expressed support for?

Maybe he should be embarrassed.

Is this really what Tucker thinks is helping conservatives?


Well-Known Member
“The pain of that day”…I don’t think these people know what real pain or a real insurrection is. Within the next decade they’re gonna find out however


Well-Known Member
So Tucker exposed that Hawley and others “were being led to safety”.

Safety. Safety from peaceful visitors to the Capitol building? Safety from coke Hawley had demonstrated solidarity with? Hawley was being embarrassed by the media for having to hustle away from a mob that he had earlier expressed support for?

Maybe he should be embarrassed.

Is this really what Tucker thinks is helping conservatives?
Is Tucker a conservative? Honest question seems to be more of a free thinker/libertarian/freedom lover. He really had no trouble bashing both sides last night which on a sidenote, is pretty funny. I haven’t watch Tucker for a year with all the whining and crying from Chuck U Schumer and the turtle Mitch McConnell I decided to tune in.

El Correcto

god is dead
Is Tucker a conservative? Honest question seems to be more of a free thinker/libertarian/freedom lover. He really had no trouble bashing both sides last night which on a sidenote, is pretty funny. I haven’t watch Tucker for a year with all the whining and crying from Chuck Schumer and the turtle Mitch McConnell I decided to tune in.
Tucker is a fascist.


Well-Known Member
Is Tucker a conservative? Honest question seems to be more of a free thinker/libertarian/freedom lover. He really had no trouble bashing both sides last night which on a sidenote, is pretty funny. I haven’t watch Tucker for a year with all the whining and crying from Chuck U Schumer and the turtle Mitch McConnell I decided to tune in.
He’s as conservative as fox will allow him to be which is why you can’t fully trust him. Fox is now run by Murdochs left wing sons and isn’t really much different from the rest of mainstream tv “news”. They’re also owned by Pfizer


Well-Known Member
So Tucker exposed that Hawley and others “were being led to safety”.

Safety. Safety from peaceful visitors to the Capitol building? Safety from coke Hawley had demonstrated solidarity with? Hawley was being embarrassed by the media for having to hustle away from a mob that he had earlier expressed support for?

Maybe he should be embarrassed.

Is this really what Tucker thinks is helping conservatives?
Y'all laughed at and mocked Hawley, the guy who was getting under your skin with his Senate hearings, using an edited video to do so. Not even realizing it was your own people who were shaping the false narrative you fell for. Just as I fell for believing the Dominion voting machines had been rigged because so called respected lawyers on FOX said so. It's always what the other side does, never my side. They're all doing it to varying degrees. Doesn't mean everything said is untrue, but things are often spun to create an illusion. And one of them was Josh Hawley running for his life through the halls of Congress like a coward which was absolutely untrue. And yes, they were being led to a secure area because the Capitol Police are charged with their safety and didn't know at that point what they were facing.


Well-Known Member
Tucker is a fascist.
The word Fascism comes from the Italian word fascismo which means the unholy marriage between the government and big business. This is something we’re dealing with in spades but it doesn’t describe TC nor does it mean anything or anybody I disagree with, which is how the left uses it


Well-Known Member
He’s as conservative as fox will allow him to be which is why you can’t fully trust him. Fox is now run by Murdochs left wing sons and isn’t really much different from the rest of mainstream tv “news”. They’re also owned by Pfizer
Tucker has been reaming Pfizer for two years now.