J6 Hearing


Staff member
Y'all laughed at and mocked Hawley, the guy who was getting under your skin with his Senate hearings, using an edited video to do so. Not even realizing it was your own people who were shaping the false narrative you fell for. Just as I fell for believing the Dominion voting machines had been rigged because so called respected lawyers on FOX said so. It's always what the other side does, never my side. They're all doing it to varying degrees. Doesn't mean everything said is untrue, but things are often spun to create an illusion. And one of them was Josh Hawley running for his life through the halls of Congress like a coward which was absolutely untrue. And yes, they were being led to a secure area because the Capitol Police are charged with their safety and didn't know at that point what they were facing.
You are mistaken. We’re still laughing at Hawley. We’re still laughing at you and the rest of the folks who think the Tucker Tapes are painting the J6 d-bags in a better light.


Well-Known Member
You are mistaken. We’re still laughing at Hawley. We’re still laughing at you and the rest of the folks who think the Tucker Tapes are painting the J6 d-bags in a better light.
The video doesn't lie. You were laughing at all of us rubes who didn't believe in Russian collusion too. How'd that work out for you? Over and over again you fellows who fancy yourself as the elites looking down on us simpletons have been proven wrong. Yet you keep trying. Meanwhile you're ruining the country.


Well-Known Member
You are mistaken. We’re still laughing at Hawley. We’re still laughing at you and the rest of the folks who think the Tucker Tapes are painting the J6 d-bags in a better light.
The d bags on Jan 6 didn’t do 1/100th of the things that left wing groups have done when they protest ie massive rioting and looting of businesses destruction of property and even murder. A couple windows broken and some selfies taken ooh scary stuff man. Now I would’ve loved to see a few of these oligarchs in Congress strung up like the criminals they are and dragged through the streets like Mussolini. But that’s not what happened


Staff member
The video doesn't lie. You were laughing at all of us rubes who didn't believe in Russian collusion too. How'd that work out for you? Over and over again you fellows who fancy yourself as the elites looking down on us simpletons have been proven wrong. Yet you keep trying. Meanwhile you're ruining the country.
You believe the Tucker Tapes make people think J6 was just visitors enjoying a stroll through the Capitol? Seriously. I struggle to understand what he’s showing you that lessens how wrong those Trump fans were.

It’s like a comedian said the other night: Why don’t they ever show the 9/11 planes taking off?!? They aren’t showing the full story!!!

That’s just stoopid.


Well-Known Member
You believe the Tucker Tapes make people think J6 was just visitors enjoying a stroll through the Capitol? Seriously. I struggle to understand what he’s showing you that lessens how wrong those Trump fans were.

It’s like a comedian said the other night: Why don’t they ever show the 9/11 planes taking off?!? They aren’t showing the full story!!!

That’s just stoopid.
Yep, you'll cling to your narrative because it makes you feel superior. No guns, FBI instigators everywhere, and Trump never told anyone to do anything but be peaceful. The J6 committee was a farce with its only intention to keep Trump from running in '24.

El Correcto

god is dead
The word Fascism comes from the Italian word fascismo which means the unholy marriage between the government and big business. This is something we’re dealing with in spades but it doesn’t describe TC nor does it mean anything or anybody I disagree with, which is how the left uses it
you probably learned that from Tucker when he was complimenting Italian fascists.


Staff member
Yep, you'll cling to your narrative because it makes you feel superior. No guns, FBI instigators everywhere, and Trump never told anyone to do anything but be peaceful. The J6 committee was a farce with its only intention to keep Trump from running in '24.
Narrative? Saw it right there on the TV 1/6/2020. No narrative required.


Well-Known Member
Narrative? Saw it right there on the TV 1/6/2020. No narrative required.
Yah, you saw what they wanted you to see. Which is why they're screaming about Tucker having access. Was about national security when Pelosi was speaker. More like the security of their party.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
How much do you really know about Jan. 6.....? Take the quiz,,, True or false

1. Every protester who entered the U.S. Capitol on that day broke the law.

2. Some of the protesters were peaceful after entering.

3. Some were violent.

4. The Fox News presentation downplayed the violence.

5. Police officers died because of the riot.

6. Officer Brian Sicknick suffered a stroke and died shortly after the riot, but medically the cause of death cannot be definitively attributed to the protesters.

7.President Biden, Attorney General Garland, and numerous politicians accused the Capitol trespassers of murder.

8.Brian Sicknick's family accused the rioters of murder.

9. It is possible to understand the riot by watching the Fox-edited tape.

10.Some MAGA conservatives believe the riot was not a serious issue.

11. Some Democrats say the riot was not a serious issue.

12.. President Trump directly caused the riot.

El Correcto

god is dead
Narrative? Saw it right there on the TV 1/6/2020. No narrative required.
Did you though? I saw a riot and a bunch of idiots venting their political frustrations for sure, most with illogical statements just like yours.
I did not see an insurrection on TV, putting insurrection in there is the narrative.

But maybe there were a handful of people wanting to launch one, I wouldn’t doubt it there are nut jobs that will try to take advantage of the chaos, but painting that whole mob as an organized group under command of trump to over throw the government is kind of a stretch from the information I’ve seen. Do you have time to make a better argument later preferably one with actual evidence of that narrative?


nowhere special


Staff member
Did you though? I saw a riot and a bunch of idiots venting their political frustrations for sure, most with illogical statements just like yours.
I did not see an insurrection on TV, putting insurrection in there is the narrative.

But maybe there were a handful of people wanting to launch one, I wouldn’t doubt it there are nut jobs that will try to take advantage of the chaos, but painting that whole mob as an organized group under command of trump to over throw the government is kind of a stretch from the information I’ve seen. Do you have time to make a better argument later preferably one with actual evidence of that narrative?
Is what you have written even close to what Tucker is putting out there?

And if we want to be technical about it…


…the definition fits what we saw on TV. Do you not recall the stated mission? To prevent the certification of the vote? That would represent the “authority or government”, wouldn’t it? The clips Tucker is airing notwithstanding, can we really say that was not a violent act?

Folks may not like it, but “insurrection” is a term that justifiably can be applied to those people. “Patriots” is not such a term.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I do not condone the events of J6 .I believe in was a protest that went bad . To use the words insurrection or violent insurrection paint with a broad brush. I believe there were unseen forces at work that manipulated a lot of gullible people to enter the capital .Tucker's showing of the tapes shows a more complete view of the events that happened that day other than the rubber stamp view of the J6 committee version. The real crime is the number of people that have been denied due process that last 2 years languishing in jail without the option of bail.
There is still a lot of questions left unanswered which leads to the people's basic mistrust of the government .A great example is this form . We can post are opinions pro and con freely .The J6 committee was staffed with people of one opinion with one aim and it wasn't fairness.


Staff member
I do not condone the events of J6 .I believe in was a protest that went bad . To use the words insurrection or violent insurrection paint with a broad brush. I believe there were unseen forces at work that manipulated a lot of gullible people to enter the capital .Tucker's showing of the tapes shows a more complete view of the events that happened that day other than the rubber stamp view of the J6 committee version. The real crime is the number of people that have been denied due process that last 2 years languishing in jail without the option of bail.
There is still a lot of questions left unanswered which leads to the people's basic mistrust of the government .A great example is this form . We can post are opinions pro and con freely .The J6 committee was staffed with people of one opinion with one aim and it wasn't fairness.
Unseen forces? Looked like it was all right out in the open and proud to me.

As much as I believed the Russian collusion stories, never once did I consider storming the Capitol and hanging Trump or Pence. Never thought I and a bunch of folks could break through barricades with impunity. Somehow, all those ideas came with severe consequences I wouldn’t be willing to subject myself to.

Yep. I was likely gullible to believe the stories. But it’s hard for me to have empathy for folks who decided to violently and stupidly follow into lawless behavior and think there would e no repercussions. And for those poor souls “languishing” in sub standard jail conditions…🤷🏽‍♂️…you fudged around and found out. Jail isn’t fun and the judicial system takes time for everyone. It’s like that all over, y’all ain’t special.

Should those who “preyed on the gullible” be joining them in jail? Absolutely. And we all know that won’t happen. We’ve effectively been shown that there are those who are above the law.


Well-Known Member
Unseen forces? Looked like it was all right out in the open and proud to me.

As much as I believed the Russian collusion stories, never once did I consider storming the Capitol and hanging Trump or Pence. Never thought I and a bunch of folks could break through barricades with impunity. Somehow, all those ideas came with severe consequences I wouldn’t be willing to subject myself to.

Yep. I was likely gullible to believe the stories. But it’s hard for me to have empathy for folks who decided to violently and stupidly follow into lawless behavior and think there would e no repercussions. And for those poor souls “languishing” in sub standard jail conditions…🤷🏽‍♂️…you fudged around and found out. Jail isn’t fun and the judicial system takes time for everyone. It’s like that all over, y’all ain’t special.

Should those who “preyed on the gullible” be joining them in jail? Absolutely. And we all know that won’t happen. We’ve effectively been shown that there are those who are above the law.
Except there are people in jail who've yet to be tried. They're being denied their Constitutional rights. They didn't lose those when they acted out against the government. And you're being very selective. You want the J6 protesters to suffer the consequences but in 2020 when people were being maimed and killed and buildings burnt down you were rooting for them. Really angry that a young man defending his life shot and killed some of your side's protesters. Why aren't there hundreds if not thousands of 2020 protesters languishing in substandard jail conditions without benefit of a Constitutionally guaranteed speedy trial? How come they never even went to jail? It is the height of hypocrisy on the Left's part to freak out over the J6 riot while sweeping 2020 under the rug. And to put a doddering old fool in charge who tells us the biggest threat to democracy is supporting Trump and that we're all white supremacists. And to characterize what was just released as the "Tucker Tapes" when they were the government footage that Pelosi refused to release because they revealed a very different January 6th than the Commission would have us believe. If you believe in democracy and the rule of law you would demand these videos be shown in new trials for J6 defendants and that those who haven't even been tried yet get their day in court with this evidence which wasn't allowed in previous trials.


Staff member
Constitutionally guaranteed speedy trial?
Do a little research. “Speedy trial” rarely means what you seem to think it means.

One of the things that’s often explained in self defense use of firearms is that it’s an absolute last and worst case scenario because in that split second, everything changes. Investigations take time. Prosecutors have lots of cases to handle. Motions are made.

Even in Rittenhouse’s situation, his life will forever be different so he may as well enjoy the limelight as long as possible. It will fade and the 2A fanboys and their money will move on.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Jan. 6 Committee is and has been nothing but get Trump.
Three years now. They have nothing . For the love of God, get over it.