J6 Hearing


Staff member
McCarthy gave Tucker the video. All 40,000 plus hours of every camera in the Capitol Building on J6. Try to shape other narratives instead.
Absolutely. McCarthy has done a lot of things in the past month. I believe he should continue. Who doesn’t like a :censored2: video?!?


Strength through joy
  • Tucker Carlson on Monday night aired footage from January 6 showing 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley seemingly being escorted around the Capitol
  • Chansley pled guilty to civil disobedience and other charges in September 2021 and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison
  • On Wednesday Chansley's former lawyer said his client should be freed, arguing he pled guilty without knowing there was 'exculpatory' footage


Staff member
  • Tucker Carlson on Monday night aired footage from January 6 showing 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley seemingly being escorted around the Capitol
  • Chansley pled guilty to civil disobedience and other charges in September 2021 and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison
  • On Wednesday Chansley's former lawyer said his client should be freed, arguing he pled guilty without knowing there was 'exculpatory' footage
So there was footage of him not doing the things there was footage of him doing?

Oh. Ok.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Unseen forces? Looked like it was all right out in the open and proud to me.

As much as I believed the Russian collusion stories, never once did I consider storming the Capitol and hanging Trump or Pence. Never thought I and a bunch of folks could break through barricades with impunity. Somehow, all those ideas came with severe consequences I wouldn’t be willing to subject myself to.

Yep. I was likely gullible to believe the stories. But it’s hard for me to have empathy for folks who decided to violently and stupidly follow into lawless behavior and think there would e no repercussions. And for those poor souls “languishing” in sub standard jail conditions…🤷🏽‍♂️…you fudged around and found out. Jail isn’t fun and the judicial system takes time for everyone. It’s like that all over, y’all ain’t special.

Should those who “preyed on the gullible” be joining them in jail? Absolutely. And we all know that won’t happen. We’ve effectively been shown that there are those who are above the law.
Thank you for admitting your own gullibility and how easily your opinions are manipulated to align with the other shallow thinkers.

El Correcto

god is dead
Is what you have written even close to what Tucker is putting out there?

And if we want to be technical about it…

View attachment 420387
…the definition fits what we saw on TV. Do you not recall the stated mission? To prevent the certification of the vote? That would represent the “authority or government”, wouldn’t it? The clips Tucker is airing notwithstanding, can we really say that was not a violent act?

Folks may not like it, but “insurrection” is a term that justifiably can be applied to those people. “Patriots” is not such a term.
So why isn’t it called the George Floyd insurrections, why is it sold as protests or mostly peaceful protests?
I agree with you now, it was a January 6th insurrection, but why use that loaded term that people usually associate with violent overthrowing of governments? Why are democrat politicians not held to the same standard when they assist “protestors” doing the same types of activities against local and even federal government officials?

When the left does it, it is a protest, when the right does it it is an insurrection. Would you agree with that?


Legio patria nostra
So why isn’t it called the George Floyd insurrections, why is it sold as protests or mostly peaceful protests?
I agree with you now, it was a January 6th insurrection, but why use that loaded term that people usually associate with violent overthrowing of governments? Why are democrat politicians not held to the same standard when they assist “protestors” doing the same types of activities against local and even federal government officials?

When the left does it, it is a protest, when the right does it it is an insurrection. Would you agree with that?
Don't expect a straight answer


Well-Known Member
He gave me one so far and I agree with it. But I’ve seen that kind of violence happen before and it was not called an insurrection by anyone if I’m recalling correctly. Maybe I’m wrong, but even the right was calling them rioters, not insurrectionists.
An insurrection is a planned attempt to take over power from another person or entity. Rioting during a protest isn't an insurrection. Unless you're part of a group that believes in safe spaces and any challenge to their power is the likely end of democracy. Hyperbole.


Staff member
So why isn’t it called the George Floyd insurrections, why is it sold as protests or mostly peaceful protests?
I agree with you now, it was a January 6th insurrection, but why use that loaded term that people usually associate with violent overthrowing of governments? Why are democrat politicians not held to the same standard when they assist “protestors” doing the same types of activities against local and even federal government officials?

When the left does it, it is a protest, when the right does it it is an insurrection. Would you agree with that?
Has the left attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power? Have they attempted to have elections nullified? Have the entered capital buildings and forced out elected officials?

I don’t know how the Floyd riots compares to any of that. In violence? Sure. I think the similarities end there.


Well-Known Member
The only thing Democrats should be hearing is the sound of PRESIDENT Trump walking in the OVAL office to reclaim his THRONE!!!

El Correcto

god is dead
Has the left attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power?
Yes, but peacefully as far as I know outside the handful of communist and socialist radicals that resorted to terrorism and assassinations.
Have they attempted to have elections nullified? Have they entered capital buildings and forced out elected officials?
Democrat officials representing the party’s campaign bids certainly do sue. In my life time alone they have attempted what Donald Trump did multiple times by challenging results in court. Democrats just generally agree with those challenges, like right wingers did for Trump.
I don’t know how the Floyd riots compares to any of that. In violence? Sure. I think the similarities end there.
Well in Portland alone it was something like 50 cops hurt over the course a couple months. They surrounded a federal building and tossed fire works/flaming objects at it and through the windows. I would say basically any politically fueled riot could be considered an insurrection by the definitions you are going by. They also doxed cops and their families.

I get the seriousness of what the January 6th people did. I know some of them definitely need to be held accountable, but there would be a lot more of them on the streets now without punishment if these were democrats.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Example of what Tucker Carlson exposed. A large group of senators and staff were being led to safety by Capitol Police. They were all hustling. Hawley was running to catch up to them. The J6 committee only showed Hawley running to embarrass him but cut out the large group who had just moved very quickly through that hall. This is what has got the Dems so upset. They very selectively showed video to shape a narrative. Tucker showed a lot of what they didn't show. And it showed a very different "riot." That "QAnon Shaman" for example. Wandering the hallways while escorted by two friendly Capitol Policemen. Nothing violent. Got 4 years in prison yet this video wasn't allowed to be shown at his trial. None of the video was allowed at any of the trials to help the defense. The government acting like the country almost got taken over by a mob when the video clearly shows anything but. And you Trump haters gleefully jump on snips of video like Hawley running that bolster your viewpoint.
RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA…..Covid hoax, will it ever stop? Smh