BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Guess not then. If you saw the hair style, it's unique. The men wear the hair curled on the side.
Most of my customers know my delivery time pretty well. If they need to get stuff early, I've always let them know my first stop is at 9:15 and can meet me there.
1. Sign but note the visual damage in the remarks column.
2. If the visual damage is more than just a few creases in the box, open the box and allow them to briefly inspect the contents, noting the damage in the remarks column.
Wow superstar you just lve making up your own methods ad policies don't you? You never let a customer open the package before signing
If I have to deliver a business late-er in the afternoon for whatever reason and they make a fuss I tell them I have till 5pm to deliver ground and if they need it sooner we provide NDA and NDA Saver service options, have a nice day!
On this new run I covered, a lady literally yelled at me when I walked in to her business (garage behind her house). Actually I was exhausted and caught off guard...I kind of smiled...like..."you gotta be kidding me" sort of thing. It's the only time I've had a customer concern...because I "laughed right in her face" lol. A time after that she said to me "I always know when your delivering because your LATE".
I hate this fing job just thinking about this .
I'm gonna go egg her house now.
(Haven't worked a day this week)
I break off now and try to get there around 1. I don't say a word. No Hi, Thanks, etc. It's awkward, but works.
Don't break off for that bitch.
On this new run I covered, a lady literally yelled at me when I walked in to her business (garage behind her house). Actually I was exhausted and caught off guard...I kind of smiled...like..."you gotta be kidding me" sort of thing. It's the only time I've had a customer concern...because I "laughed right in her face" lol. A time after that she said to me "I always know when your delivering because your LATE".
Does she have posted hours on her business??
if not, she'd be the last delivery every time she got something
Does she have posted hours on her business??
if not, she'd be the last delivery every time she got something
Posted hours or not doesn't matter. It's a house and UPS does not recognize a house as a business. I would make it the last stop of the day for a few days. A nice attitude adjustment.
Had a dental lab that was out of a house. They were told by UPS to post hours if they wanted to be serviced as a business
Posted hours or not doesn't matter. It's a house and UPS does not recognize a house as a business. I would make it the last stop of the day for a few days. A nice attitude adjustment.
Exactly. Its zoned as residential and she lives on the property. When someone says I'm late I tell them that UPS guys are like wizards--We're never late. We always arrive precisely when we intend to.Posted hours or not doesn't matter. It's a house and UPS does not recognize a house as a business. I would make it the last stop of the day for a few days. A nice attitude adjustment.
Don't break off for that bitch.