Job bidding while on military leave


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me how job bids work for union members who are out on military leave?

I’m out on deployment right now and found out I’ve been bumped out of feeder by a more senior driver who’s run was eliminated. I have the seniority and job qualifications to bid into other jobs but I’m not being allowed to do so until I return to work because labor said “you must be able to do the job you bid”.

Last time I went on military leave someone called me during the bid cycle to see what route I wanted, why are things different now that I was bumped off my job while I’m gone?


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me how job bids work for union members who are out on military leave?

I’m out on deployment right now and found out I’ve been bumped out of feeder by a more senior driver who’s run was eliminated. I have the seniority and job qualifications to bid into other jobs but I’m not being allowed to do so until I return to work because labor said “you must be able to do the job you bid”.

Last time I went on military leave someone called me during the bid cycle to see what route I wanted, why are things different now that I was bumped off my job while I’m gone?
Feeder bidding procedures are different in Different locals. Here There is one continuous bump. But you should be able to bump back in when you return where ever your seniority will place you. As always best to ask you local business agent and Steward.


Well-Known Member
Feeder bidding procedures are different in Different locals. Here There is one continuous bump. But you should be able to bump back in when you return where ever your seniority will place you. As always best to ask you local business agent and Steward.
Thank you. I already talked to my BA he’s the one who told me that labor won’t let me bid. I don’t have enough seniority to bump any of the remaining feeder drivers after the job cuts. I know I can bid into a different job when I return, I just don’t understand why I have to wait to return before I can bid when I didn’t have to that last time I was out. It’d be nice to know what my career is looking like after this deployment is done


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I already talked to my BA he’s the one who told me that labor won’t let me bid. I don’t have enough seniority to bump any of the remaining feeder drivers after the job cuts. I know I can bid into a different job when I return, I just don’t understand why I have to wait to return before I can bid when I didn’t have to that last time I was out. It’d be nice to know what my career is looking like after this deployment is done
Well, like I said, I’m sure when you come back it will be fine and everything will get taken care of. And thank you for your service.


Never bought my own handtruck
Do you mean bidding a new position, like into package driver or do you mean bidding a run or route?


Well-Known Member
Do you mean bidding a new position, like into package driver or do you mean bidding a run or route?
At this point bidding into a new position like package is the only place I can go. Through job cuts I don’t have a feeder position anymore. They didn’t cut my bid, but they cut a senior drivers bid who exercised his right to bump me off mine.

Last time I was gone for military leave I was a package car driver and when biannual bids came up they called and asked if I wanted to stay on my route or bid something new.


25+ Year UPSer and Teamster
At this point bidding into a new position like package is the only place I can go. Through job cuts I don’t have a feeder position anymore. They didn’t cut my bid, but they cut a senior drivers bid who exercised his right to bump me off mine.

Last time I was gone for military leave I was a package car driver and when biannual bids came up they called and asked if I wanted to stay on my route or bid something new.
USERRA ensures that you can obtain a position (based on your seniority) you would/could have gotten had you not been on orders. Even if they won’t let you bid while on those orders.

If you are bumping into package and have (or would have had) the seniority to select a specific route then that route is yours open your return. But don’t expect them to come at you with that offer. Unless you work in a center with a steward, BA, management, or even regular coworkers that are studied up on the law and willing to be ready to accommodate you.

If they refuse contact a USERRA rep on your base or whoever your base directs you to if they don’t have one.