I agree with deez. The clear goal of the republicans is to stall this economy and use the american unemployed as pawns. Politically, the republicans have no intention of creating a single job or jobs to bring down the unemployment rate before the next election cycle.
The problem is, it will backfire. November 2012 is a long way away, and keeping people unemployed that long will collapse their argument.
They dont want goverment to start jobs programs, yet, even with the tax cuts that were extended, job creation is not appearing like it was promised by the republicans. Now, the argument is, "well , the tax cuts were only temporary and job creators want to wait until the tax cuts are permanent".
This is the B.S. that is the republican theory.
Tax cuts are not working. We need to stem the flow of goods into this country with tariffs so high, it will force companies back to america.
The walmarts and kohls of this country import almost everything they sell from another country. What happened to USA pride?
Made in America only appears on debt. We need as a country to change our mindsets.