Jonfrum could be any one of a number of people in the employ of the company.
Despite what some people might think, we are not all dumb a$.
I, too, enjoy his writings, thoughts and insight.
good post and we appreciate your concern. I have concerns also.
1) the owner/author of this website has assured me/us that we can't be traced/tracked through this website.
2) what damage has Jon done through his/her postings?
3) what/who has been compromised by Jon's posting?
4) I don't understand the "witchhunt" for Jon. It's a free country and he/she can say what he/she wants in real life and, within confines, on this website.
Has Jon touched a nerve somewhere?
If you want to get technical, I've learned things from this website that I would have NEVER learned otherwise so maybe this website should be shut down/censored by the state like they do in communist countries.
Just a thought....I could be wrong.
Guys, I believe that you're reading to much into this subject.
Jon has his opinion on things just as we all do, that is what a forum is all about.
I have my opinion and my say on a subject and people argue my points. Call it a witch hunt, a personal attack, or just a disagreement. It really doesn't matter. If you don't like being attacked or disagreed with, "don't post"
Lord knows, I have been hit from all sides on this forum.
I have been angry with people and have come to see eye to eye with people that at one time or another I didn't care for.
That is what a forum is all about. A large cross section of different people and different ideas, coming together to try and sort out an issue or issues in an effort to get to the bottom of that issue, in order that we all can better understand the things that are going on around us. That takes a lot of different points of view to get to a solution, and that includes Jon's point of view. Which I believe has only added to our discussions not taken away from them. Lord know that I haven't agreed with Jon's point of view always, but I take what I can from them and use them to better understand what is going on.
In closing, I will say, agree or disagree with all of you people, I have learned much from you and hope that I add the same to this forum. So, keep throwing those punches guys, and I 'll keep ducking and firing back with a left hooks.
good post and we appreciate your concern. I have concerns also.
4) I don't understand the "witchhunt" for Jon. It's a free country and he/she can say what he/she wants in real life and, within confines, on this website.
Trick, not to pick on you, but I would like to futher address, the question you made on the "witchhunt" for Jon. I truly believe in helping people and I believe you feel the same.
Let me tell you about one of Elvis Presley's doctors. In a interview with this one particular doctor they asked him, How was it like treating the King of Rock? He's response was, "I told Elvis what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. I told him he needed to lose wait and straighten his life out. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. We all know how much he loved to eat and take the meds. The other doctors were intimidated by him. Gave him whatever he wanted(meds) and told him what he wanted to hear". The doc said," He was shaking in his boots", when he told Elvis this. Elvis, thanked him later, after he did his Hawaiian via satelite concert.
Trick, if you truly do care about someone you are going to try and correct his inapprioate behavior. What kind of friend, would just keep patting the person on the back and let him proceed. Trick, I dont know if you have children, but every father knows, that to spare the rod is to spoil the child. If you truly love your son or daugther,you will do what has to be done(address the problem head on, no hiding around the bush), before it gets out of control. I guess, I grew up in a different time. Old school, Tuff love. Enuff said on that. take care area 43
If the info is correct then how he got it is really irrelevant, it's a matter of discussing/debating the issues he and others bring up.
If the info is correct then how he got it is really irrelevant, it's a matter of discussing/debating the issues he and others bring up.
Cole, you have just revealed a character flaw in yourself. If I ran a restaurant business and had a secret recipe for apple pie. First, I would not hire a person, such as yourself. Cole with your school of thought, it would be okay to give my recipe to the competition without my knowledge or authorization.
If anyone obtains information by doubtful means, outright deceit or anything less than normal course of duties, its an unethical act IMHO. -Rocky
Hold on folks,
This is a message board, and Jon, has posted what he has posted, and I can't prove either way if it was by ethical where the info came from, so it just seems like a cop out to try and point to anything other than the topic. If it was done dishonestly, as far as this discussion, I have no way to prove, but the points are still there.
"A heroin addict to Jon's info" hardly, I haven't even read all his info.
As far as stealing recipes, etc...actually some friends of mine run a restraunt and had that happen recently, and and I don't condone stealing, at any level.
I am not sure which info Jon posted that you think was stolen, or gained dishonestly, and if he did, or is doing that, it is wrong, so what are you talking about specifically? If he has gotten it by dishonest means, that's on him, and I wasn't defending him, but it just seemed that answering the points of the debate/discussion were avoided.
Unless someone can prove he got it by dishonest means, then that is possibly "baring false witness", is my point.
Either we can argue his points, or not, because again, I cannot prove where the info comes, and I am here to discuss issues. Now I'll have to go back and read what he posted that brought on these acusations.