


More Sabotage From The Fake JonFrum

Posts #86 and #93 are not mine.
Post #91 is.
Post #100 is not mine, but be careful. The *content* is largely plagerized from a post I made months ago. But there are no quotes around my material, and the fake JonFrum has edited my original thoughts and slipped some of his own thoughts into the mix, and is passing them all off as mine. To read the original, which is worth reading, if I do say so myself, click here:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for coming back.
I retract my earlier post of having lost all respect for you and, if you'll recall, I subscripted the statement with a concern that we can't know if it is you posting. It wasn't.
I enjoy your thoughts, insight and the proverbial "classified information" you share.
I don't see what possible difference it makes whether you register or not.

Stick to your guns.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jon, they have now restricted my computer use at the Mental Health Clinic because of you. Im in ward 12. Cell 3. See Red, I had the stones to give him my location.

This is my take on the identity theft on Jon. I believe it was a little trick, between Trick and Jon. They communicated their little plot via email. How clever, but it didn't fool me. Registered users, just noticed the words in comparing the Posts. I believe Jon posted all posts, yes I do mean all posts. I believe Jons Rude and Crude writng style is like trying to forge the Mona Lisa, it can't be done. Jon seems a little(lot) mentally demented and no one can copy that. Reread his posts- ex. some of the words he uses Goons, pricks, and Bite Me, Uuugggghh. Don't tell me your into that sadomasitsis stuff. Just down right disturbing. Jon I think your the one with the mental illness, to put it lightly. Maybe you and Red can share a padded room together(how sweet). Dont worry Teamsters insurance will cover the cost, I'll even chip in on the deductable as you know Im here to help. What we need here is a total mental recovery from you guys. So Jonny and Reddy, the paddy wagon is on the way. Dont forget to buckle up(straight jacket). Take your meds and go rent that movie "One who flew over the cuckoos nest" starring Jack Nickalson.

On a more lighter note, I dont think I'll be hearing alot more from Mr Cents. In doing my homework on him I have come to find out that he has a secret admirer(rep comment section in his profile). I know who that admirer is but Im not telling you guys and gals LOL. Mr Cents, if you cant do something about that bs meter going off than I will have to call you out and your significant other. Hmmm. It appears the secret admirer misses you deeply when you leave for a long period of time(again refer to rep comment section). Mr. Cents does her husband know? LOL Sssssshhh!!! quiet, Lets just you and I keep it a secret here on the (everybody now) World Wide Web. Mr Cents I also know you and this secret admirer have been close friends for a looooonnnggg time. Hey folks, I would love to have record of all those PM exhanges. In closing Mr Cents I expect to have a little more positive feed back from you concerning my thread. Wouldn't want a accidental security leak. Wink Wink. ( ; Ps Mr. Cents - For your own info, in the way you use the term bs meter, why not just call me a liar. That's what I got peeved about. Be a man. This being polically correct and using bs LOL is candy coating what you really want to say. I might dislike you at the present, but I just might thank you later on. Not!!!!! I am not a LIAR!!!! ( :

Jon, sorry to have sidelined you. I know how much you crave attention. Ok, Moderators I believe Tie is right, you do neet to do a check on that email address and see if it is on the up and up. That email might big rigged or crawling with viruses. Thanks Mods and becareful. We Cafers are behind you(way behind you LOL). Have Scratch be like the tunnel rat. Give him a 45, tie a rope around him(seem by the pic in his profile he's pretty good at repelling) and lower him into Jons email tunnel. Scratch be careful, Jon bites and I don't know if he had all his shots. Tall tell sign, look for foam around Jons mouth.

Long Post, sorry. Jon, I believe you disrespected everyone on this site when you made your come back post. I am surprised that only Tie and I called you out on it. Yes, I had a rant that was deleted and I apologize again for my potty mouth. Ok, Cafers its like this, do you ever watch sporting events and the vistors come out and crap(disrespect) all over the home teams turf(please reread Jons post). The home team usually responds and goes beat the crap out of them. Funny thing here is, some or many justified Jons irate behavior because they like the color of his uniform or that crap he laid on us makes good fertilizer. Who knows. I don't blame you, I don't think I would get involved either.

In closing, "Calling someone out" let me clearify myself a little more on this subject. I only call out if someone intentionally, knowingly,sneakly,evily attacks another individual or committs a bad act. By calling someone out such as Jon on a possible unethical act you might have stopped 10 others from doing the same thing. A deterent is needed not some pat on the back. In doing this you will reduce the risk of having Copy Cat Crimes. Now if someone is niave or accidentally makes a mistake or is unaware of his destructive bad behavior then I will pull him over to the side and counsel him. Thanks Cafers for your attention and have a great day. Area 43 ps Scratch is still my friend, sorry for being a little harsh on you. LOL
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Thanks Jon, they have now restricted my computer use at the Mental Health Clinic because of you. Im in ward 12. Cell 3. See Red, I had the stones to give him my location.

area what do you mean by that? I hope they don't have you on lock down for what you said about Jon?

Jon has a right to be anonymous but as such his complaints should never result in a registered member being locked down. Registered members of this board should always have superior rights to someone who is too arrogant to join this board?


I think he was kidding but who knows with him.

Yea I know he's beat this one pretty good. There is a part of me that thinks he is definitely on to something though. Don't commit Area43 to the asylum yet he's on to something. There's a reason Jon wants to stay anon and its more then just his blatant arrogance and disdain for this site and its posters. Though thats a part of it. I think Trick was a little too quick with the apology. If he really reads through Jons posts he will see that the insulting posts that jon denies are his are clearly his. It matches the bite me post which jon does not deny. Jon has a reason for not wanting to be too trackable and I'm not sure what it is yet. Jons also been carefull as to how he responds to questions about himself and usually sticks to a very skillfully crafted script. He could have had a great career working for the CIA. Thats why I sometimes refer to the mystery that is jon. Theres something there. My Guess is that once the contract is settled and all questions debated for the last time that he quietly dissapears into the sunset. The anon id is if nothing else is sign of non committment. He posts here to provide some carefully crafted information for someones purpose and does not plan to spend any more time here then necessary.

Don't give up the ship just yet Area43 you're on to something. Jons good at covering his tracks and sending you down deadends but you're definitely on to something.

Jon you've got a nice little magic show going. I'm fascinated.


Well-Known Member
I'm impressed. This thread now has over 100 posts and over 2,000 views. And the basic premise we've arrived at is that its a free country and JonFrum can provide whatever information he claims to be accurate, spin it whichever way he likes for whatever reason he prefers. Strong work everyone. As it was said on another webboard, I wish this thread into the corn field.


I'm impressed. This thread now has over 100 posts and over 2,000 views. And the basic premise we've arrived at is that its a free country and JonFrum can provide whatever information he claims to be accurate, spin it whichever way he likes for whatever reason he prefers. Strong work everyone. As it was said on another webboard, I wish this thread into the corn field.

One thing that I continue to find interesting too as we go through this laborous exercise is the number of posters that continue to come to his defense. He makes a couple of posts where he slams the posters here and they like good puppy dogs keep running up to get smacked some more.


Well-Known Member
Armed with a pretend name, see how Jonfrum preys on the natural tendencies of the human imagination? He’s pulling the old spy trick, deceiving people with their own minds into assuming the nature of those around them. Take a closer look at him. He puts rocks in his shoes to make himself walk funny. He doesn’t smoke but he carries cigs and a pipe. Sometimes he wears an old, battered hat and shades.

I think he’s with the KGB, working out of uniform, learning trade secrets about Western corporations and giving no warning to the suspected criminals he’s after. :ohmy:


Armed with a pretend name, see how Jonfrum preys on the natural tendencies of the human imagination? He’s pulling the old spy trick, deceiving people with their own minds into assuming the nature of those around them. Take a closer look at him. He puts rocks in his shoes to make himself walk funny. He doesn’t smoke but he carries cigs and a pipe. Sometimes he wears an old, battered hat and shades.

I think he’s with the KGB, working out of uniform, learning trade secrets about Western corporations and giving no warning to the suspected criminals he’s after. :ohmy:

if only he was that blatant. perhaps we can start a harry potter type series about him. JonFrum anon with a secret agenda.:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
One thing that I continue to find interesting too as we go through this laborous exercise is the number of posters that continue to come to his defense. He makes a couple of posts where he slams the posters here and they like good puppy dogs keep running up to get smacked some more.
Sort of like the Teamsters who keep slashing our benefits and the puppy dog employees who keep backing them no matter what they do.


Armed with a pretend name, see how Jonfrum preys on the natural tendencies of the human imagination? He’s pulling the old spy trick, deceiving people with their own minds into assuming the nature of those around them. Take a closer look at him. He puts rocks in his shoes to make himself walk funny. He doesn’t smoke but he carries cigs and a pipe. Sometimes he wears an old, battered hat and shades.

I think he’s with the KGB, working out of uniform, learning trade secrets about Western corporations and giving no warning to the suspected criminals he’s after. :ohmy:

Very good sammie. For me its kind of like sitting in the back yard and watching a squirrel run by with a bright red tail. Now don't get me wrong I think every squirrel should be allowed to have a bright red tail if they so want to. But I have to admit I might have to stop and try to figure out how or why the dang thing got that tail so bright red.

So then I look a little closer. Now if the squirrel with the bright red tail was eating nuts and seeds like most of them do then I probably would be fine with that. If however the squirrel with the bright red tail appeared to be in my back yard for no other reason then to preach to me then that might make me even more curious.

So at this point I thought I'd pull the beebee gun out and see if the thing with the bright red tail that preaches too me can run like a real squirrel. :thumbup1:


Browncafe Steward
Very good sammie. For me its kind of like sitting in the back yard and watching a squirrel run by with a bright red tail. Now don't get me wrong I think every squirrel should be allowed to have a bright red tail if they so want to. But I have to admit I might have to stop and try to figure out how or why the dang thing got that tail so bright red.

So then I look a little closer. Now if the squirrel with the bright red tail was eating nuts and seeds like most of them do then I probably would be fine with that. If however the squirrel with the bright red tail appeared to be in my back yard for no other reason then to preach to me then that might make me even more curious.

So at this point I thought I'd pull the beebee gun out and see if the thing with the bright red tail that preaches too me can run like a real squirrel. :thumbup1:
Tie stop smelling the diesel fuel while at work!


Well-Known Member
Red, I agree with you on that one. Something about shooting funny looking rodents? Tieguy might be suffering from a "Michael Vick" complex.:w00t:
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