Jussie Smollett


Well-Known Member
You don’t have real economic morals when it comes to socialist redistribution. You don’t oppose voting yourself other people’s money or believe it’s a destructive long term precedent to set. You don’t believe that socialist programs are bad for economic growth and incentives to work when you can sit on your ass collecting the checks. It’s just you looking after your own government allowance, not wanting to kill the golden goose you leech off of.

I respect democrats more than I respect boomertives at least they truly believe that socialism is a good thing and want progress society towards a collectivist utopia where poverty doesn’t exist and the government assures an equal opportunity for success for everyone. I might disagree with them but at least they are actually pursuing something they believe is good for all, not just wanting to leech while preventing others from leeching.
My generation didn't create Social Security. As a matter of fact we didn't even create ourselves. So take it up with older generations. As for Democrats you may have not noticed lately they're in bed with Wall Street and other corporate interests. And you may have not noticed but the beef that many Democrats have with corporations is they aren't paying enough. There are folks on here that rail against their employers all the time. So spare me the looking for utopia diatribe. You say I want to leech while preventing others from leeching. I did my time and worked hard and paid into the system. I'm against people wanting the government handing them free money when they're able to work. If they aren't able then part of what we all pay into goes towards assisting them survive with a disability. Don't tell me I don't want that. And the problem with twentysomethings is you think you're invincible and always will be. You'll be glad you paid into the system when your time comes. And you'll start getting notices that it's coming in your 40's. It's a shock when you suddenly realize things aren't quite working the way they used to. And then you'll realize how foolish you sounded in your twenties. Don't kid yourself that you won't.

El Correcto

god is dead
My generation didn't create Social Security. As a matter of fact we didn't even create ourselves. So take it up with older generations. As for Democrats you may have not noticed lately they're in bed with Wall Street and other corporate interests. And you may have not noticed but the beef that many Democrats have with corporations is they aren't paying enough. There are folks on here that rail against their employers all the time. So spare me the looking for utopia diatribe. You say I want to leech while preventing others from leeching. I did my time and worked hard and paid into the system. I'm against people wanting the government handing them free money when they're able to work. If they aren't able then part of what we all pay into goes towards assisting them survive with a disability. Don't tell me I don want that. And the problem with twentysomethings is you think you're invincible and always will be. You'll be glad you paid into the system when your time comes. And you'll start getting notices that it's coming in your 40's. It a shock when you suddenly realize things aren't quite working the way they used to. And then you'll realize how foolish you sounded in your twenties. Don't kid yourself that you won't.
The problem is I’m not paying into a system van and either did you. You paid directly into the pockets of old people(the biggest proponents of socialism in America). I can’t really blame generations that went through two world wars and the worse depression in American history for being enticed by socialism, hell I might of been an FDR supporter in that era to. I’d be happy to pay into a system for my retirement, preferably a 401k I can control.
Not some government IOU and the promise to fleece others like I was fleeced.

What you are complaining about isn’t free markets, it’s corporatism. I don’t blame you, it’s corrupt. Small government hinders corporatism, they can’t just go bribing officials to use power they don’t have or expect handouts the government can’t issue.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I’m not paying into a system van and either did you. You paid directly into the pockets of old people(the biggest proponents of socialism in America). I can’t really blame generations that went through two world wars and the worse depression in American history for being enticed by socialism, hell I might of been an FDR supporter in that era to. I’d be happy to pay into a system for my retirement, preferably a 401k I can control.
Not some government IOU and the promise to fleece others like I was fleeced.

What you are complaining about isn’t free markets, it’s corporatism. I don’t blame you, it’s corrupt. Small government hinders corporatism, they can’t just go bribing officials to use power they don’t have or expect handouts the government can’t issue.
And the party I voted for was against big government but they've been participating in it for some time now. It's not my fault or any other worker's fault that the government effed up Social Security. We did our part and it's the social compact between generations that you do your part too. And generations after yours. My biggest concern right now is getting our house paid off to rent it out. Because there's a very real possibility that SS will be reduced or even eliminated in my lifetime. People here sneer about living overseas all the time but for retirees with limited income, and there are countless millions of us, it's one of the very few options we have. And I'm not waiting until SS collapses to make sure we have enough to survive.

El Correcto

god is dead
And the party I voted for was against big government but they've been participating in it for some time now. It's not my fault or any other worker's fault that the government effed up Social Security. We did our part and it's the social compact between generations that you do your part too. And generations after yours. My biggest concern right now is getting our house paid off to rent it out. Because there's a very real possibility that SS will be reduced or even eliminated in my lifetime. People here sneer about living overseas all the time but for retirees with limited income, and there are countless millions of us, it's one of the very few options we have. And I'm not waiting until SS collapses to make sure we have enough to survive.
Okay now apply that “social compact” argument to college for kids born in the hood by no fault of their own to a single mother.

Apply it to basically any entitlement democrats are wanting to push out and then apply it to benefitting a person in poverty, worse off than even you. Someone who never had a chance or a family. Someone who truly never learned how to function in life, went through a rough childhood or something.

El Correcto

god is dead
And the party I voted for was against big government but they've been participating in it for some time now. It's not my fault or any other worker's fault that the government effed up Social Security. We did our part and it's the social compact between generations that you do your part too. And generations after yours. My biggest concern right now is getting our house paid off to rent it out. Because there's a very real possibility that SS will be reduced or even eliminated in my lifetime. People here sneer about living overseas all the time but for retirees with limited income, and there are countless millions of us, it's one of the very few options we have. And I'm not waiting until SS collapses to make sure we have enough to survive.
If you truly believe socialism is the answer to poverty and not free markets that’s an argument. If you think it’ll better society to enter into these social compacts. Go for it vote your feelings.

I just don’t get why you’re so short sighted to see it directly benefitting you and not be able to empathize will others.