Don't you ever get tired of being wrong. Carey was wrongly forced to resign from the teamsters in Nov 1997. So exactly how is it his fault the teamsters never enforced 22.3?
Stink, 407 and BUG, you are all either wrong all the time or lying. Which is it?
I actually have a copy of the 1997 contract that was given to me by a former steward to help teach a labor history class on the '97 strike. This section was added at the end of the article and allowed UPS to weasel out of its commitment to create 22.3 jobs, until an arbitrator was involved:
"If there is a reduction in volume causing layoffs, the Employer's obligations under this article shall be null and void."
I'm not wading into the Hoffa/Hall vs. Ron Carey argument for a number of reasons -- but one of the major demands of the '97 strike was that more full time jobs were created. And that demand being met involved giving UPS an "out" out of their contractual commitment that they later abused; that's not politics, that's a matter of record.