I can understand concessionary contracts at GM or Chrysler when those companies were going thru bankruptcy. But why in the hell would concessions be imposed upon members when UPS has increased its' dividend every year and is making record profits?
Why would H not listen to the members concerns for the last contract? We answered the questionnaire and told H what we wanted addressed. 1. No change in health care. 2. Cut down on harassment. Neither one was addressed. Instead H gave us a tiny raise that none of us asked for. Why? To boost dues money. It helped them.
Actually, they did address harassment; they gave us little stickers to wear and told us "we're fed up and we are not gonna take it anymore" Stickers?? WTF yet countless members are thrown under the bus (package car) at State Panel hearings. H helps UPS more than Teamsters. Ask R A
how the H regime treated him. They betrayed R and worked with mgmt. to steal R's career and ruin his life. R is only one of the few who were courageous enough to address it publicly. What is worse is that 100's if not 1000's of UPSers have been unjustly fired.
4 year progression. Are you kidding me? This is just more of the same. Now instead of targeting drivers who make safety complaints, or are good stewards or drivers who go against current union leadership;....UPS will target drivers who are making $40,000 a year more than the progression drivers. It has already started.
1 punch a month for benefits under previous contracts is now 1 punch a week or you lose benefits. Drivers are getting notices that they need to pay COBRA to continue their benefits. WTF. All of the new drivers I have spoken with have been affected by the bull

benefit loss and can not understand why it is now a 4 year progression.
I am disgusted with H and hall. Unacceptable.
H-H will be voted out.