

Well-Known Member
Impromptu poll: How many years before the US experiences out-and-out systemic implosion? This is not an anti-Trump diatribe, FYI. To get the ball rolling, I would say ten.


Well-Known Member
Impromptu poll: How many years before the US experiences out-and-out systemic implosion? This is not an anti-Trump diatribe, FYI. To get the ball rolling, I would say ten.
I believe that what you will see first is a hard shift to the political left. Clearly Trump's policies are designed to favor the wealthy elite with few if any of the benefits going toward the blue collar segment of the population especially those working low wage service jobs. In my state which gladly accepted the expanded Medicaid program we are seeing people coming off welfare and taking the $7.25-$9 wage no benefit jobs due to the preservation of their health insurance through Medicaid. At least they're paying in something but the "replacement" calls for the elimination of expanded Medicaid which means that they will be right back where they came from. Yes, there may be a few manufacturing jobs come back but they will be based on 21st century technology requiring very few people and most of them will require education far above high school with many requiring 4 year engineering degrees. In other words when it comes to 21st century technology either you drive it or it drives you.


Well-Known Member
Automation is going to kill a lot more jobs in the near future. AI is coming faster than most know too. We obviously don't need all the potential workers we have now. In less than years, we have the alignment of all the boomers retiring, and all the echo boomers going into a declining job market, with all the new retirees not only needing medicare, but all the unemployed needing medicaid. When benefits need to be cut to keep the country solvent, and a hundred million more are pushed below the poverty line, we will have real trouble.

Some of the more expansive thinkers are already suggesting that we just give everyone a minimum guaranteed income of $11,000 or more, enough for beer and cable TV, as a cheaper way to solve the problem. That would encourage those who can't or don't want to work to form pools or communes to pool resources. I can even see corporations fighting to sponsor communes for a % of the $11,000 per person similar to how medicare advantage provides services to those entitled to medicare.


Retired 23 years
I don't know when it will happen but its coming. I hope I'm gone by then because it isn't going to be pretty. In the mean time keep buying those guns and ammo.


Well-Known Member
Automation is going to kill a lot more jobs in the near future. AI is coming faster than most know too. We obviously don't need all the potential workers we have now. In less than years, we have the alignment of all the boomers retiring, and all the echo boomers going into a declining job market, with all the new retirees not only needing medicare, but all the unemployed needing medicaid. When benefits need to be cut to keep the country solvent, and a hundred million more are pushed below the poverty line, we will have real trouble.

Some of the more expansive thinkers are already suggesting that we just give everyone a minimum guaranteed income of $11,000 or more, enough for beer and cable TV, as a cheaper way to solve the problem. That would encourage those who can't or don't want to work to form pools or communes to pool resources. I can even see corporations fighting to sponsor communes for a % of the $11,000 per person similar to how medicare advantage provides services to those entitled to medicare.
You may be on to something. Bill Gates recently suggested that given that robots and AI will continue to replace humans in the workforce we should start taxing robots meaning the companies that currently use them and will use them, to a greater extent in the future should be taxed accordingly. And the other day Mark Cuban expressed concern about the impact advancing technology will have on society as a whole..We as a nation have had a hard enough time as it is dealing with robotics replacing the assembly line worker and thousands of similar blue collar jobs but when they start replacing the accountant, the Xray technician the air traffic controller etc. then the destabilizing impact could be enormous. Maybe Trump is on to something with his efforts to control illegal immigration .


Well-Known Member
If one more customer comes up to me to tell me that damn joke again, so help me.....
Next time they do it look the guy right in the eye and simply say ...... " Ever hear of the Sherman Antitrust Act"? When they stand there with that Bugs Bunny look on their face simply say......."Did your mother teach you nothing........nothing at all'?


Well-Known Member
20 trillion in debt., 90+ trillion in unfunded liabilities. An ever growing Federal government promising more handouts all the time. I'd say about the time ground absorbs express. I call it the impending welfare riots. This will be the next bubble that our "leaders" didn't see coming. You'll wake up one morning and turn on the news and see the nation burning.


Well-Known Member
20 trillion in debt., 90+ trillion in unfunded liabilities. An ever growing Federal government promising more handouts all the time. I'd say about the time ground absorbs express. I call it the impending welfare riots. This will be the next bubble that our "leaders" didn't see coming. You'll wake up one morning and turn on the news and see the nation burning.
No question we have become a nation divided by personal wealth and the division is growing with a quickly disappearing middle class that kept the two of them from killing each other. It there would appear that there is indeed a faction in power today who believe that the best course for this nation is to create a permanent and powerless socioeconomic underclass that will forever remain totally subjugated to the elite class. But what they fail to realize is that when that portion of the overall population becomes large enough has had enough for long enough it becomes belligerent enough to realize that they have nothing to lose by taking matters into their own hands.


Staff member
I don't know when it will happen but its coming. I hope I'm gone by then because it isn't going to be pretty. In the mean time keep buying those guns and ammo.
Skip the guns and ammo. Grab some hookers and blow. That's the way to go out with a bang.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
yeah, if it were actually ever to get to the point where I've got rifles sticking out of every window in the house being fed by ammunition belts snaking all the way down into the basement, forget it - there's not going to be any victors coming out of that effed-up scenario anyway.


Well-Known Member
yeah, if it were actually ever to get to the point where I've got rifles sticking out of every window in the house being fed by ammunition belts snaking all the way down into the basement, forget it - there's not going to be any victors coming out of that effed-up scenario anyway.

I grew up in a county where everybody had 3 or 4 rifles locked and loaded just Incase and everytime they left the house they always concealed carried at least 1 handgun. Ain't nobody taking there land

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
The thing that always amuses me is whenever I see some of these jaspers on the news talking about all the weapons and ammo they're stockpiling for "whin duh gumment come" to take all their weapons and ammo away. Really? I definitely want to see that fight.


Staff member
The thing that always amuses me is whenever I see some of these jaspers on the news talking about all the weapons and ammo they're stockpiling for "whin duh gumment come" to take all their weapons and ammo away. Really? I definitely want to see that fight.
Not much of a fight there if you've ever seen what a helicopter gunship has done to an ISIS encampment.