Kevin McCarthy— OUT!


Well-Known Member
Asa reminder this is Gym Jordan's gerrymandered district that enables him to keep office while producing nothing legislatively and barely fundraising.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The Republicans are showing the world they cannot govern and are weak. It’s so very entertaining watching them play grab ass over this

Concessions to Democrats now likely. 3D chess.

Jim Jordan loses second vote for House speaker amid steep GOP opposition | CNN Politics

"Republican Rep. Jim Jordan again failed to win the House speaker’s gavel in a second vote on Wednesday, a loss that raises serious questions over whether he has a viable path forward as he confronts steep opposition and the House remains in a state of paralysis.

As pressure grows on Republicans to find a way out of the leadership crisis, some are pushing to expand the powers of the interim speaker, Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina. Republicans are discussing the possibility of bringing forward a resolution to empower McHenry as soon as Wednesday afternoon, two sources told CNN.

A resolution to empower McHenry would need Democratic support since many Republicans oppose the idea. The move could give Democrats an opportunity to seek some concessions from Republicans in exchange for their votes."