Kevin McCarthy— OUT!


Inordinately Right
1) Pelosi wasn't even there and didn't even vote.
2) It was McCarthy that ok'd the "one vote to throw out" rule in his own caucus.
3) It was Republican Matt Gaetz who initiated McCarthy's ouster.
4) McCarthy himself said he wouldn't accept any Democratic assistance to keep his job.

It's amazing how you guys deflect, lie and blame others for your issues/errors.
Holy crap you threw a little tissy fit when you saw that ugly picture of dear supreme leader Nancy as a scorpion. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap you threw a little tissy fit when you saw that ugly picture of dear supreme leader Nancy as a scorpion. Lol.

In case you missed it I'm no fan of Pelosi. I had a hissy fit because the McCarthy ouster was entirely the Republican party's own doing act you're acting like the victims.

Last time I checked the Republicans controlled the House and the Democrats are stuck as passengers on the train to Crazy Town.

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