Was my 2nd day at the West Edmonton Mall, promoting & demostrating the Tassimo Coffee Machine, handing out free Tim Hortons coffee brewed by the devices.
Today I was twice approached by supervisor & the event coordinator (bigger boss).
First time for wanting me on another up comming event (because I'm such an awesome employee)

2nd time (big boss), that I was doing an awesome job, AND she gave me 2 wholesale boxes of Tim Hortons Tassimo Coffee as a reward for a job well done (appreciation) $120 value. She also insured me, I'll get a free coffee machine to go along with it at the end of this promo (Nov 10th - last day).
The job is awesome - I really love it ! Best job sofar in my entire life !
Interacting with the public is what I love and do best.
It would be awesome if management is planning to keep me full time, or atleast keep me for the next event or 2, which would be in Montreal and Vancouver.
(hotel, meals, travel all paid for) - but that would be a dream come true.
Even if I land a job in my city - I'll be happy
See what day 3 is like tomorrow - honestly can't hardly wait to go back to work !
Pay is reasonable (starting wage $15/hr), and all I do is teaching people how to brew their own coffee and while doing so, give them the key elements of the Tassimo so they may consider purchasing 1 in the future - they also receive a $20 mail in rebate coupon that they can use until mid March.
It's funny how many unhappy people come up that have a Keurig, and they can't brew a Timmies with it. They are considering getting a 2nd machine now (Tassimo).
And the Tassimo customers, they are overly in joy, and have been waiting for Tim Hortons be be part of the brands it has.
(Timmies just joined this past Monday) !
- That's why this big promo event.
Again - it's AWESOME !