Well, I got this one, which is already 7 days a week. I'm not too worried, did it before.
And I must admit, I aalso had to hire someone to help me out with grocery and liquor deliveries, since I can't do those during a good time of the day (only morings and after midnight).
I created a p/t job![]()
I guess that qualifies you as a greedy bastard. MrFedEx is no longer your friend.![]()
Hey, there are all kinds of things people can do if they are out of work. Hotdogs worked great for me. Then thought about a winter job,(besides snow removal).
And now being recommended to get my old job back (not UPS) !
I probably will, if the money is right and the union agrees I start at premium wage (up to $60/hr) - they pay double OT hrs.
They wotk 4 x 10 hrs, but it;s usually 4 x 12 or more, plus double time Wednesday and Weekends. Really good money.. clear about $1500/week , plus bonuses, for example $1000 giftcard for not calling in sick over the year, and $100 for not having work related accidents per month
You should take the offer Klein. (the old job)
One can not be picky in this current economy to hold their ground for something that was years ago.
By years ago, I mean "if the money is right".
A regular steady job with great bennys as you share, would help you very much get into a regular pattern and bring
stability into your life. Do not be insistent on more, but consider it a gift sir.
I like how the so called union will just allow the famous Mr. Klein to walk back in at full scale. Either that or forget it,K says. Wtf, you think you're Bill Gates or something?
I call BS as usual. He's going to be supersizing fry orders at best. Or ringing Mom up for another allowance check.
I'm greedy though ! Even UPS had to pay above Union wages in Alberta , just to keep employees.
Basically a labour shortage here, not as high as it used to be, but as these pipelines and oil devopelmlent grows, we're going to have a major labour shortage.
That's in the news already.
You're more than welcome to move and work here. Basically anyone. But , I would think Americans should get top priority, just like in Calgary, Alberta.
(over 10% of the population are Americans, with more than 100.000 of US citizens working and living there).
I got it already offered in the past, with full seniority.
And yesterday the big Shop Steward was 1 of my customers.
And he even agreed with my previous knowlege, I will start with a higher wage.
But not only that, even my sups want me back, too.
They gave me a tour of the newly renovated plant not to long ago (thinking they would talk me into comming back) .![]()
Klein, I am not a proctologist, but even I know that you are full of ****.
I wished I had pics to prove it.
I got it already offered in the past, with full seniority.
And yesterday the big Shop Steward was 1 of my customers.
And he even agreed with my previous knowlege, I will start with a higher wage.
But not only that, even my sups want me back, too.
They gave me a tour of the newly renovated plant not to long ago (thinking they would talk me into comming back) .![]()