Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


Nine Lives
this guy must be trying to break into the late night white liberal comedian boys club. He should make a nice token for the preach diversity but stay white club.

Actually, African Americans are over represented here ... 20% versus 13.3% of the general population.
Females (50%) and Hispanics (17.8%) are under represented.


Well-Known Member
Normally ducking would be the thing to do but when the shooter is firing from above it isn't. I assume those ducking didn't have a clue where the shooter was.
If they worked at UPS they could of used the keys to driving to locate the shooter.
always leave yourself an out. Scan the path ahead of you.

My problem how did people think it was fireworks?


Well-Known Member
Silencers would have made no difference. All they do is quiet the sound a bit but always impossible to be silent with a supersonic crack which is why they are more properly called suppressors. Muzzle flashes showed where he was and firing downward at the crowd would have been impossible from farther inside the room. If the shooter used bump stocks those can't be used with a bipod or tripod.
Perhaps he should stayed at the Luxor book a room next the beam of light perhaps the beam of light could disguise the muzzle flash?


golden ticket member
It's important that the regular citizens tell their part. Robin Leach was heading home on Tropicana Blvd towards the Sun City direction. He saw a lot of police cars with sirens and lights and heading towards the strip....he looked at his watch and it was 10:08. It's stories like this that establish a solid time line.