Last. Best. Final.

I hope you all get a good contract even though Union boys hate "management". No, you still can't have my job. :-)

From internet:
"Now I understand why UPS gets paid the big bucks! 210 stops 301 packages, heavy ass boxes 🙃. I use to be able to do 200 in 7 hrs at Amazon but takes me 8 1/2 hours now at UPS"


"As a 3 time UPS seasonal driver, this route looks is as easy as it gets. Wait until the center aisle is stacked to the top and having your 20th next day air be the small box that happened to get buried under all of it. You might have a good preloader now but wait until peak when they send him off to load the guys with seniority and you're stuck with the fresh hire that loads everything ass backwards. Do you not do commercial pickups? Peak season pickups will be having you load your entire truck packed with more packages than you left with burying the 100 residential stops you have left. People who complain about how hard delivering for Amazon is have never had a job like it and come from doordash or some dog :censored2:. Amazon is walk in the park compared to UPS. I honestly feel bad about making the same as what I did as a seasonal ups driver. I'm doing a 1/6th of the work and actually home for dinner."
I'd ask my wife to give up my left nut for a pc that looked like that every day.
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