Last chance agreement


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there is a time limit on last chance agreements.
I'm almost 100% sure there is, driver had minor accident just within a month of expire( this was talked about a lot when he was let go on how close he was) the attendance they told him he could make it due to drivers go years without missing work and shall shall be able to make the given time frame. I know it was never over a year for these.


Well-Known Member
By the time they are offered a last chance agreement the hourly in question has already secured the noose around their own neck. All that is left is someone slapping the horse on the ass to seal the deal.
I hate to say it but they all where warned more than enough times before it got this far. They always had plenty of other problems on their record before they where warned to correct just one of them.


Well-Known Member
Attendance records go back 9 months at my building. When I was in the hub I had horrible attendance my first few years. I received 2 last chances 3 intent to terms and had a meeting with district mgmt. somehow I still have my job but I've grown up a lot since haven't missed a day in 2 years just my options and vacation.


Active Member


I've also seen them for dishonesty cases and I've seen them for really ridiculous :censored2: (advised not to sign, got the guy back in the following day without it.)

Always try and get a "sunset clause" in if you're receiving one or representing someone receiving one. That way at least it won't be hanging over them 20 years after they sign it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"Last chance" agreement refers to a driver who gets a DUI and has to go through rehab and comply with any after-care requirements. A second DUI or a failed urinalysis will result in immediate discharge.


Well-Known Member
With over 20 years in my center only three drivers have been fired. One on a "Last Chance" -went through rehab and then got a DUI. Another had attendance problems and called out sick saying she was going to the Doctors office. The next day management asked for a Doctor's note and she could not get one. Fired for dishonesty. Last one just abandoned the job, rather than quit. Two were fired and another driver retired on the same day enabling me to move up three notches on the seniority list. That must be close to a one day record.


Nine Lives
I had a Last Chance report who of course was late again.
I let him resign.
The Div Mgr was POed ... he wanted to fire him.
Oh well.