Latest RIF


Well-Known Member
Nice to see the site is back - unusual no one is discussing the latest rounds of cuts UPS started on 9/9.

Most brutal in UPS history - 1 day to find a different job at UPS - walked out on Friday.


Well-Known Member
The struggle between folks who carry this company every day and :censored2:ty management is real. However, don't fall into the trap that all management is bad. UPS is lost under the failure of Carol. UPS needs good management.


The struggle between folks who carry this company every day and :censored2:ty management is real. However, don't fall into the trap that all management is bad. UPS is lost under the failure of Carol. UPS needs good management.
Too bad very few make it to operations it’s mostly the best ass kissers and the ones that yell the loudest running the show