Active Member
My wife calls me the "quintessential only child"...probably explains a lot about me haha. As an only child, I was also raised with a single mother who worked her butt off to provide me with a good life. I was always taught that at the end of the day, your work ethic will speak louder than words. Work hard and good things happen (even if it's only self satisfaction).Situations certainly have a way of eroding and damaging relationships if you allow them to.
However, if you understand the dynamic that is Unionism, you will look past the imperfections of your brothers/sisters and be there supporting them, backing them up, and if need be, leading the charge.
I don't know if you come from s big family or if you are a single child, but maybe if you think of the way you would handle a situation with your family and substitute you new union family in their place, you might see them in a different light. Maybe?
I can squabble with my family (brothers and sisters) all I want. I have been in a couple of knock down drag outs with them. Don't think for a second I will stand by let an outsider threaten, mistreat, or abuse any of my family without me or any of my family getting involved. It just isn't going to happen.
I didn't get to chose my family but I love them none the less. I didn't get to chose my Union brothers and sisters but you better not cross them because you will have to deal with the rest of us.
Not every situation can be handle diplomatically. Some require finesse, some assertiveness, and other need a heavy hammer. Sounds like you have some heavy hammers around there. One day you'll be glad they are there and if you are there smooth voice of reason, they will be glad you are there for them.
I've never worked a Union job before, so this is all relatively new to me. As I've said before, these issues aren't anything I'd bring up at work so that's why I've turned to you guys to help me understand these dynamics and maybe vent a bit.
Thanks again for the time and thoughtfulness in your posts. You seem to be the Union Sensei around here! Definitely appreciated and I'll make sure to reflect on it both in and out of work.