Says right there in the National Agreement, a driver can take controlled substances(except methadone).
Page 104
Article 35.
Section:3.17 4.b
Read the whole Article.
You are trying to take one sentence.... and apply it to what you want it to mean.
Rookie mistake.
Since when did this thread become exclusive to DOT and drivers? Other than your commentary, of course.
Again, alcohol tobacco and marijuana will be legal in these states. I didn't read within OP's post, questions about driving a commercial vehicle for UPS.
People are so funny and stupid about weed its ridiculous. All these people that say all this nerdball bs about weed have never smoked up before. Im tired of hearing it from all these nerdballs that know nothing about it. If you have a cdl you shouldnt smoke period. And you shouldnt come to work high and drive a package car. If you want to blaze up outside of work well so be it. Its the same if you want to drink after work. The funny thing is that its actually safer to smoke and do things than it is to drink and do things. The government knows how much money legalizing it would bring into the US economy. The legalizing of 1 so called drug would fix the economy? Dont laugh about it cause it could very well happen in reality.
You want me to admit im wrong? About what?
Ive read the whole contract. A lot of it two or three times.
Again, you are tying to take one sentence.... out of context.
The section you are "lifting" it from.... Article 35 Section 3.17....
Are part of the responsibilities of the MRO (Medical Review Officer).
Which is preceded, by the language relating to a positive drug test.
Context, in this area.... matters.
I am glad, you have read the whole contract 2 or 3 times.
But, making a "blanket" statement.... that taking controlled substances is OK.... is irresponsible.
Maybe you missed the newsflash, this thread wasn't based upon drunk and high people going to work.If you get a second DWI will fire you driver. The largest part of the contract concerns alcohol and drugs. You can hurt a co-worker inside the building just as you can driving
Being a moderator has its privileges. And I can guess who it is.
Lame attempt...
Good thing.... I take screen shots of what I post.
OP if you still plan on smoking it's 425.00 an ounce in CO. Your better off staying in NY and getting 300.00 An ounce there.[/quot
That is up quite a bit from $40 to $50 back in the 70's.
See, this is why the older guys from the 70's aren't retired yet. Their weed costs are much higher than they
anticipated. Poor retirement planning.
I have never known anyone to go into a back alley to buy weed. It's not meth or heroin. Everybody knows someone who sells or knows where to get it. As far as being safe I would guess it's the samePot Prices Double as Colorado Begins Recreational Sales
Customers were charged $45 for an eighth of an ounce of recreational pot, compared with $25 for an identical amount that he sells for medical purposes, said Andy Williams, the president and chief executive officer.
“They’re not used to coming into a facility and paying $25 an eighth, so when they come in, it’s just whatever the price is,” Williams, 45, said by telephone. “Having the ability to buy safe, reliable, quality marijuana in an environment that’s fun and exciting sure beats going in a back alley and saying, ‘Hey buddy, you got a bag?’”
I have never known anyone to go into a back alley to buy weed. It's not meth or heroin. Everybody knows someone who sells or knows where to get it. As far as being safe I would guess it's the samethat the 17 year old is selling in the restroom at high school. Lets put it this way. If you got $ 50 in your pocket to get high and food. Where do you think you're going to get your weed?
Maybe but think of all the money saved not trying to police these people, putting them through the court system and housing them in prison.I agree. Those states dream of all the money they will make in tax revenue but after the initial surge it will quickly fade away.