Let's Get the New Year Started Right "On Topic" Safety is the greatest most extreme issue.


Binge Poster
With all that being said...

the real test of all that language is how much is actually changed for the better (permanently), how many safety concerns are read and resolved to the satisfaction of the employees, and how many grievances have to be forwarded to the National Committee to be resolved.

Is it still lip service and just filling out monthly forms to appease outside agencies?

Show me a great program that yields what the safety committee is truly set up to accomplish and I'll say that their management team is well respected.
10 point,

Have you read Article 18 section 20.4?

It is up to the Union members to file grievances when this language is not being followed.

If all Committees took this contractual ownership of the Committee seriously then you will see Safety Committees that are well respected.

Does your local approve all the members who serve on the committees?


10 point

Well-Known Member
10 point,

Have you read Article 18 section 20.4?

It is up to the Union members to file grievances when this language is not being followed.

If all Committees took this contractual ownership of the Committee seriously then you will see Safety Committees that are well respected.

Does your local approve all the members who serve on the committees?

I know it well.

We dumped the old committee members and started over in the summer of 2014.

We're are still struggling with certain people not standing strong on issues.

Beware of who becomes co chairs and the motivation behind their willingness.

The stewards should all be on the "committee" and should be involved with zeal. Otherwise, you're prone to become puppets....again.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
No, our union does not approve the members. I think it should be looked at because its managements agenda in my opinion and the committee members make overtime and ask a select group safety questions over and over. I think we should go back to the safety modules on the computers so all participate.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
By the Book,

Please qualify your reasons for this information.

I was asking you a question. I want to know what you would change with your safety committee if you felt there was a change needed, or if you felt the language and processes need to change.


Binge Poster
I know it well.

We dumped the old committee members and started over in the summer of 2014.

We're are still struggling with certain people not standing strong on issues.

Beware of who becomes co chairs and the motivation behind their willingness.

The stewards should all be on the "committee" and should be involved with zeal. Otherwise, you're prone to become puppets....again.
10 point,

How did this dumping occur?

Make a motion to have the weakest individual removed at the next meeting, this should show you where everyone stands.

Your co-chairs are voted in, correct?

I agree all stewards should be on the committee. They should lead the way in upholding the Safety Committee Language and getting rid of inappropriate members.



Binge Poster
No, our union does not approve the members. I think it should be looked at because its managements agenda in my opinion and the committee members make overtime and ask a select group safety questions over and over. I think we should go back to the safety modules on the computers so all participate.
By The Book,

Have you read Article 18 Section 20.4?



Binge Poster
I was asking you a question. I want to know what you would change with your safety committee if you felt there was a change needed, or if you felt the language and processes need to change.
By The Book,

Please read Article 18 Sec 20.4 and then we can further this discussion.


10 point

Well-Known Member
No, our union does not approve the members. I think it should be looked at because its managements agenda in my opinion and the committee members make overtime and ask a select group safety questions over and over. I think we should go back to the safety modules on the computers so all participate.
Our new committee no longer asks safety questions to other hourlies nor does "observations". Period.

None our hourly safety member will do anything that resembles a management role.
10 point,

How did this dumping occur?

Make a motion to have the weakest individual removed at the next meeting, this should show you where everyone stands.

Your co-chairs are voted in, correct?

I agree all stewards should be on the committee. They should lead the way in upholding the Safety Committee Language and getting rid of inappropriate members.

I caught old members of the former committee taking pics and possible videos of other drivers on road. That's when it hit the fan.

I filed a grievance to shut down the safety committee, elect new cochairs and appoint new members approved by the local.

That's what it took to get changes made.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
I'll just say it, it is not a concern of our local what the safety committee does or doesn't do. I've been a steward a long time and many a times brought up by myself. No interest or action taken on the concerns I mentioned.


Binge Poster
I'll just say it, it is not a concern of our local what the safety committee does or doesn't do. I've been a steward a long time and many a times brought up by myself. No interest or action taken on the concerns I mentioned.
By The Book,

They have to be concerned if the Committee is violating the contract.

File a grievance.

PM me if you want assistance with putting a winnable grievance together.



Binge Poster
Our new committee no longer asks safety questions to other hourlies nor does "observations". Period.

None our hourly safety member will do anything that resembles a management role.

I caught old members of the former committee taking pics and possible videos of other drivers on road. That's when it hit the fan.

I filed a grievance to shut down the safety committee, elect new cochairs and appoint new members approved by the local.

That's what it took to get changes made.
10 point,

Very impressive.

You were supported well by your Local Officials?


By The Book

Well-Known Member
By The Book,

Please read Article 18 Sec 20.4 and then we can further this discussion.

Ok, I read it. Our safety committee doesn't do things such as what 10 point described of his previous committee. Ask me a question as it relates to the language and I will try to answer it. I'm reading the old contract language to clarify.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Ok, I read it. Our safety committee doesn't do things such as what 10 point described of his previous committee. Ask me a question as it relates to the language and I will try to answer it. I'm reading the old contract language to clarify.
Both hourlies that were spying on their fellow workers are now on car supes in different locals than ours.

We got tired of paid actors and people on the committee who were way too close to management and filled a position without representing the workers valid safety issues.


Binge Poster
Ok, I read it. Our safety committee doesn't do things such as what 10 point described of his previous committee. Ask me a question as it relates to the language and I will try to answer it. I'm reading the old contract language to clarify.
By The Book,

Does the Local Union approve the bargaining unit members who serve on the Committee?

Are there ever more management employees than there are bargaining unit members at a committee meeting?

Are individual bargaining unit members mentioned when discussing accident and injury reports?

Is the term "alleged injury" every used when discussing an injury report?

Has your committee ever created a sub-committee to investigate specific issues of safety and health concerns?

Who does the minutes? Hourly or management?

Does your committee have bargaining unit members accompany Keter during the facility inspection tours and interviews?

Is your committee properly trained with company sponsored training? Co-chair trained with company sponsored training?

Does your committee file Article 18 Grievances with unresolved concerns?


10 point

Well-Known Member
10 point,

Very impressive.

You were supported well by your Local Officials?

We didn't care if we had support or not.

The language was there. We used it.

Local involvement is pale at best. It's our contract and if we don't enforce the language no one's going to.